We made it. Another year under our belt and another year conquered. Whatever 2016 gave you, good or bad, it is now behind you. Now 2017 steps up the plate with its share of twists and turns. Instead of dwelling on the past year or worrying about what the future holds, read on. Here is a list of things to look forward to in 2017.
1. New music
A new year means new music from all your favorite artists. Expect new albums from musicians like John Mayer, Arcade Fire, Kelly Clarkson, and Brad Paisley. In addition to new music, many other popular musicians are taking the show on the road and touring. Expect to see Bruno Mars, The Lumineers, Kings of Leon, Panic! At the Disco, Thomas Rhett, Miranda Lambert, and the Red Hot Chilli Peppers.
2. New movies
2017 boats a numerous amount of sequels to favorite movies in the past few years, as well as multiple new films to fall in love with. The newest branch of the Marvel cinematic universe, “Spiderman: Homecoming,” comes out in the summer, along with the “Guardians of the Galaxy” sequel. In addition, the live action “Beauty and the Beast” is released in March and the 8th installment of the “Star Wars” franchise hits theaters in December.
3. New television shows
Your favorite television show is either returning from its winter hiatus or premiering after a long summer. Shows like “This Is Us.” “Grey’s Anatomy” and “Modern Family” will return in the spring. Expect a new season of “The Bachelor,” along with new shows on Netflix, like “A Series of Unfortunate Events” and the second season of “Stranger Things and “Master of None.”
4. New video games
Just as with new movies, there will be countless new video games released to play. The most highly-anticipated include the newest “The Legend of Zelda” compatible with the new Nintendo Switch. In addition, the latest “Mass Effect” will be released, along with Scalebound and Vampyr. Multiple other games, whether it be a new game or a sequel to a popular game are expected to be released.
5. Film/Food/Music Festivals
In every new year comes a new version of an old favorite. You can look forward to a local music festival’s new lineup or a new restaurant opening nearby. Try to expand your horizons and explore your hometown or a new area where you go to school.
6. New Roads to Travel
Perhaps you may take a trip to somewhere you’ve never thought to visit before or watch a movie you’ve been putting off for years. Regardless, a new year can present new challenges or realizations, or you can find them on your own.