Election season is upon us and the pressure to elect the best candidate to take over the 'throne' from Barack Obama is immense. There is a lot of tension in the political sphere as well as all around the country because regardless of the results of this presidential election, it'll be a game changer.
Let us focus on the good parts of the election, though. Can you believe we're about to elect the 45th President of the United States?If you want to be more accurate and not count repeats, you can say 44th because Grover Cleveland was the 22nd and 24th President of the United States. Regardless, the United States has been its own entity since 1776. Over 200 years ago! It's crazy how time flies and how caught up and dedicated citizens of this beautiful country, and other residents, are to electing the proper candidate.
To ease some of the political tension and less the burden millennials are given to 'elect the better candidate,' here are 45 fun facts about random things.
1. Virginia has birthed more Presidents than any other state.
2. Speaking more than one language increases an individual's IQ.
3. The Library of Congress is keeping an archive of every tweet ever tweeted.
4. Bubble Wrap was originally intended to be used as wallpaper.
5. Bird's only poop, they are incapable of peeing.
6. Nepal is the only country that does not have a rectangular flag.
7. A little over 22 million chickens are consumed in the US every day.
8. Death by vending machine is an actual thing. Vending machines kill four times as many people as sharks, annually.
9. The total weight of all the ants on the planet exceeds the total weight of all the humans.
10. Your age is the number of times you've orbited around the sun.
11. The current population of Ireland is much less than it was before the potato famine more than 100 years ago.
12. The United States became its own entity earlier than Germany did.
13. Your [human] fingers are so sensitive that if they were the size of the Earth, you would be able to easily tell the difference between a house and a car.
14. Half of all humans who have ever lived on this planet have died from malaria.
15. The Cookie Monster's real name is Sid.
16. Goat's have rectangular pupils.
17. Jupiter and Saturn have diamond rain.
18. Cotton Candy was invented by a dentist.
19. There are a lot more cars than people in the city of Los Angeles.
20. An individual replaces every particle of their body every seven years, meaning you were a complete different person seven years ago.
21. Nutella was invented during World War II.
22. About 90% of the global population lives in the northern hemisphere.
23. It is more likely to become President than to win the lottery.
24. A handshake transfers more germs than a kiss.
25. The first email was sent in 1971.
26. Ketchup was originally sold as medicine.
27. About 99% of people cannot lick their elbows.
28. New York drifts about an inch away from London every year.
29. Dust from African countries can travel all the way to Florida.
30. A grizzly bear can run as fast as a horse.
31. Opposite sides of a dice always add up to seven.
32. There is an opera house on the US-Canada border where the stage is in one country and half the audience is in another.
33. The Romans cleaned and whitened their teeth with urine.
34. Your nose can remember 50,000 different scents.
35. The Death Star from Star Wars would cost over $852,000,000,000,000,000 if it were to be built in modern times.
36. Guinea pigs and rabbits can't sweat.
37. A group of twelve or more cows is called a link.
38. Donald Duck comics were originally banned from Finland because he doesn't wear any pants.
39. Elephants are the only mammals that can't jump.
40. Earth is the only planet not named after a god.
41. Polar bears are left-handed.
42. A cockroach will live for weeks without its head before it starves to death.
43. James Madison was the shortest POTUS at 5'4".
44. Andrew Jackson taught his parrot how to curse.
45. Millennials count for about one-third of the electorate votes.
With that being said, don't forget to vote on November 8th, 2016! Voting is a right and a privilege!