I have stated in other articles that I have published that I went to a pretty decent school. The academics were on par, or higher, than other schools around us, there was a thriving art department, there were several music classes to choose from, and our sports teams would win at the state level. However, what I truly believe set my school apart from those that my friends went to or the ones that you see on TV was how the student body treated one another.
I don't know what it was like in other school, I just heard through word of mouth, but I got the feeling that my high school was as close to a utopia as you could get when shoved into a small building with hundreds of other teenagers. There were barely any lock downs from on campus related situations, there was the occasional fight but nothing major, and I never heard any racial or religious slurs being thrown around to hurt another student.
There wasn't anyone getting sent home because a their collarbone was showing. I never heard of a single instance of freshman hazing. We were a diverse school, so there was no prejudice on whether someone was black or Asian, if they were a first generation American or if their family has been in America since the Mayflower landed at Plymouth Rock. And we treated the special needs kids with the respect and courtesy they deserved because they were all wonderful and kind individuals.
Recently, the public has become aware of the fact that an allegation has been made that a special needs student sexually assaulted his special needs classmates. The male student, who had a history of sexual assault, was able to lead his younger classmate into a locked men's bathroom where he allegedly assaulted her last May.
Once the public was made aware of these allegations, the students of Lakes High School decided that they were going to show their support for the two girls who have spoken up. The protest would happen as a sit in during first period in the lunch room. However soon the protest grew and was moved outside.
Eventually, school was cancelled for the day, and students were sent home early.
I continue to be proud of my former high school. The students took a terrible situation that hit close to their hearts and they spoke their mind and stood up for those whose voices were silenced. I have not heard that the protest was violent and I commend the students for keeping their heads during an emotional time.
I no longer personally know any of the students at my former high school. I probably never met the two girls who these students shut down the school in order to support. However, I can say that this is still the type of high school that it was when I was in attendance. The student body cares not only about their grades or the football score, but they care about the health and well being of their peers.
When I look at this display, I see that the next generation of students are thriving. One day some of the students who took part in this protest will be important members of their society, and I truly believe that when the time comes for that, the world will continue to become better than it was before. The current students of Lakes High School give me hope, and make me proud that I can say that once upon a time I walked the same halls as they did.
Once a Lancer, always a Lancer.