It’s all about the format and structure of things and not just in life but in the day-to-day encounters that need application for them to function. If a plan is put into place beforehand usually things will pan out in the ideal manner that people would approve of them to. This is not said necessarily to say that structured things always take priority; things with an altered not as cohesive balance on them can call for some interesting scenarios and stories that when told to others will promote more engagement than say something that ran smoothly and was a bit too orderly if one may call it that. Things done in a timely fashion are more what places like companies, businesses, restaurants, etc. aim to go for due to the appeal of being regarded as someplace that cares for and caters to their customers, consumers, audience and however they are termed. When in doubt a place of business should most likely go for the structured order of completing their tasks for that is the more immediate and probably preferable course of action to take, unless of course the goal is to be abnormal and stand out because of the flaw or the certain niche within the place that makes them shine and be recognized for that choice.
Is it a matter of do you have a fun, well-liked space available or a more traditional method with the handle of decisions? Not particularly no, I’d say that people when searching for a place to go or spend time look at a number of factors usually leaning towards the things that they are accustomed to, that comfort them, and a place that will resonate with them maybe because it reminds them of someone they had seen before or a memory in their past. I do this type of thing all the time with things just like deciding on a location to study at; for example when I like to study I don’t tend to gather at noisy places, but that’s probably a must for me in general, and if they I seemed to have acquired the habit of shutting the noise out and zone in on whatever it is I happen to be working at the time. Another factor I consider is the temperature of the place I am working because I get cold really easily which is the reason I can be caught wearing a jacket or carrying one due to this setback for me. The last thing I probably look for is deciding between a place of comfort and a place that that is more practical. The reason for this is you should feel comfortable enough to not get a crick in your neck or something but also not be in a place that is too comforting that you have the need to fall asleep and more on the practical side so that there is a place to sit all your belongings and materials that you are studying with such as a desk or something similar. I apply these sort of decisions to other things such as you and a group of friends deciding on where to go out to eat accounting for any setbacks or experiences people have had with the place in the past or other small details such as that.
This principal for people that gravitate to certain aspects of something makes for varied and distinguished people even though one of someone’s friends may like or appreciate something more that someone else there can still be a friendship among the two individuals. Why is that? Well the answer is simpler that one would like to think, I believe it’s because people don’t like being around people too similar to themselves at least not all the time. There is like a psychological portrayal for that being that people don’t like to see themselves reflected in others and if you are too similar to someone else how would your conversations can be more unique? People who are similar do get along easier don’t get me wrong but it is more of a sense of when the conversations lean in repetitive manners as the last couple of times it produces a need to make friends that are more unique and varied than the regular ones. Is this a mutual feeling people get? That’s hard to say but I would think most people would respond in this manner if conducted to unless they don’t want to hurt their friend’s feelings.
All in all I myself seem to deem choices I make to be both structured and wild simultaneously it generally depends on the situation though. If you think back on prior, recent or even planned decisions you have made for yourself, where do you think you would rank yourself? This is rhetorical of course but maybe it will hone for yourself if you are not already aware the type of person you are or at least the outcomes that are preferred to be reached/seen in your opinion.