Loved when on the air, but forgotten now it's not. I'm AllieV and I'm going to be talking about one of my favorite cancelled shows that was very popular during its original run and deserves to be brought back on the air.
The title of the show is "Storm Hawks", created by Asaph "Ace" Fipke and produced by Nerd Corps Entertainment. It first aired on May 25, 2007 and ran for two seasons, ending on April 6, 2009.
This show was absolutely incredible, and with an opening like this: , I find that it would be hard to disagree. The main characters of the show consisted of a team with the same name as the show: Aerrow (pronounced 'Arrow'), the confident leader; Piper, the smart and spunky tactician, navigator and keeper of magic crystals (and the only girl on the team); Finn, the hyperactive smart-aleck sharpshooter (who was extremely accident-prone); Junko, the muscle who's good a fixing their flying motorcycles (and is a major sweetheart); Stork, the hyper-paranoid pessimistic pilot that makes unique gadgets (who is super adorable and my personal favorite); and Radarr (pronounced 'Radar'), the co-pilot and Aerrow's close friend. He hates it when people call him a pet. Fact: he falls in love with a chicken.
The main villains of the series were the Cyclonians, consisting of Snipe, a mace-wielding meathead (seriously, he was incredibly dumb); Ravess, an archer and Snipe's sister (who had a fondness for violins); Dark Ace, who was a good guy but betrayed the original Storm Hawks to serve Cyclonia (spoiler alert - he dies at the end, rightfully so, the dude was a jerk), and Master Cyclonis, the ruler of Cyclonia who uses magic to fight (and apparently she is rather young).
The show focused on the world of Atmos, with the Storm Hawks flying the Condor (their airship) around to several different Terras (floating landmasses) and having adventures while making sure the bad guys didn't take over the world. They are often underestimated because they are a young group, but always manage to win their battles regardless.
The cast for the main characters, good and evil, are as follows: Samuel Vincent (Aerrow & Dark Ace), Matt Hill (Finn), Chiara Zanni (Piper), Scott McNeil (Stork), Lenore Zann (Master Cyclonis), Cathy Weseluck (Ravess), and Colin Murdock (Junko & Snipe).
With action, adventure, team bonding, hints of romance, lessons learned, stellar animation, an incredible voice cast, an engaging plot, and an episode that showcases past episodes seemingly required of all animated shows, "Storm Hawks" is something that people of all ages can enjoy. The only complaint I have is that it ended with a cliffhanger.
(Golden rule: don't end shows with a cliffhanger because then people will be expecting more, and when 'more' doesn't come, they will freak out!)
And because I love Stork, here's a video of some of his best moments: (credit: PrimaSylvie)
Most info about "Storm Hawks" was found here:
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