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13 Cartoons You Let Slip From Your Childhood

Here come the memories.

13 Cartoons You Let Slip From Your Childhood

Catch the bus before you miss it! Then, eye-down the clock until recess. Thirty minutes go by quickly and just like that, you are already back to sitting on your classroom's Magic School Bus themed carpet, waiting patiently for the bell. Okay, school is finally over. Although you either have baseball practice or cub scouts, you don't really look to the near-future optimistically. Sure, throwing a ball or learning how to start a fire from one of the gawky and musty older scouts is more entertaining than listening to your teacher.

That being said, nothing compares to flashbacks of only having a single hour of cable before mom would send you to bed, and then send you back to bed after she caught you starting the next episode of your favorite cartoon. Cartoons have the ability to catch a kids attention, which is not something that happens frequently. Although there is a stigma that cartoons and television in general is a waste of time, this is not true. Although most cartoons don't teach children information you can learn in a classroom, like the science practiced on the famous television series, Bill Nye the Science Guy, they do provide a learning purpose. This learning can range from teaching kids to be adventurous, creative, or simply to have fun with friends.

"Courage the Cowardly Dog"

This may be the worst case of the heebie-jeebies ever recorded.

"The Powerpuff Girls"

Three super-power girls show us what it takes to fight crime, known as a little girl power.

"Codename: Kids Next Door"

This show teaches us its our choice to grow up. Also, kids are savage.

"The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius"

Gadgets and gizmos are created by an impressive boy genius.

"Ed, Edd 'n Eddy"

This infamous episode will give you the worst anxiety you may ever experience. If you know you know.

"The Fairly OddParents"

Magical godparents, delusional parents, and one awful babysitter.

"Invader Zim"

After being banned from his native planet, Irk, Zim attends elementary school while trying to conquer Earth and the human race.

"Dexter's Laboratory "

A boy-genius and a secret laboratory. Grind time.

"Total Drama Island"

A fierce battle. Who will be the last competitor standing?


Watch a group of toddlers take on a new adventure everyday. Hopefully you didn't forget this one.

"The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy"

The grim reaper is forced to befriend two children after losing a bet.


A cat and a dog. A CatDog series. Are you not entertained?

Cartoons hold the power to introduce us to a new type of creativity we are unable to redeem anywhere else. With that being said, there are also other intentions the creators of these shows have in mind. Although some show's purpose are exclusively entertainment, it is still a mile ahead of being a cub scout, trust me.

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