Forgotten Angel | The Odyssey Online
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Forgotten Angel

A Short Story

Forgotten Angel
Deviant Art

This week, I am taking a different turn and showing you a story I wrote at 15 about an angel who risks everything to help a girl who he really cares for. I hope you enjoy the story and share it with others.

Forgotten Angel

Her eyes fluttered shut. If you didn’t know her, you’d think she was asleep. I knew her, she was blocking out the voices in her head. She was telepathic.

“June, I said, are you okay?”

“Yes, Lila, she said, I’m fine; it’s just…”

“Just what?” I asked.

“The things I’ve heard lately”, she began. “Are just repulsive and depressing.”

“Give me an example.”, I said.

Her eyes flickered to the left corner of the room, toward a boy wearing black with lavender. His eyes were the brightest shade of turquoise I had seen in a long time. He looked up and smiled at me and waved at June.

“Isn’t that Jesse Moore?” I asked.

“What’s wrong with him?” I asked. “He’s nice to me in photography and journalism.”

“He’s hiding something deep inside of himself,” she said.

“What is he hiding?” I asked.

“He’s hiding a long history of pain and suffering.” she replied.

“On top of that,” she continued, he’s hiding the fact that he isn’t fully human.”

“What is he then?” I asked.

“He’s half angel.” she replied.

“What kind of angel?” I asked.

“A guardian angel.” she replied.

“Who is his guardian?” I asked. June looked at me with a hint of fright.

“Julio, I whined, tell me, please.”

“Just promise me you won’t freak out,” she reluctantly said. I held up three fingers on my left hand and said, “I promise, Girl Scout’s honor.”

“Okay,” she said, you’re his guardian for life.”

After she said that, I blacked out.Suddenly, I had a strange memory from almost two years ago. My parents and sister died in a deadly fire. The police ruled it as arson. The offender was caught and sentenced to life in prison. My parents were taking care of my sister. She was deaf and had a rare form of cancer. I was at a play with June to support the drama club. During the intermission, I got a call from the police department, I went out to the lobby, they told what happened to my family, and they asked if I had any relatives that they could call. I told them I had an aunt and uncle who lived 20 minutes away. I gave them my uncle’s cell number and asked them what happened. They told me that my house was set on fire and my family was dead. After I hung up, I ran out into the blistering cold, without my coat. I sat on the sidewalk and began to sob hysterically. I felt like shattered glass, broken and useless. While I was crying, I heard footsteps coming towards me. I looked up; there was a boy my age. He looked down at me with a sense of empathy. He had green eyes, that glowed like an animal’s. His skin was like caramel, but had a pale look to it. He had heart-shaped lips that were rosy. This boy was dressed in black and lavender. His hair was black with lavender highlights. He looked familiar and then I remembered… it was Jesse.

“Lila! Lila!” June screamed.

“Julio?” I said.

I opened my eyes. June and Jesse were looking down at me. We were in the nurse’s office.

“What… What…” I stuttered.

“You fainted in Calc.” June said. I glanced at Jesse and said,

“You were there the day I found out my family died.”

“Yes, he said, I was and I regret I couldn’t save them for you.”

“I forgive you, I said, but why in the world are you at my school?!”

“To get an education,” he replied sarcastically.

“I know that, I said, but I need to know the real reason for my own purposes.” Jesse sighed and ran his hands through his hair.

“Can you sit up?” he asked. I sat up and draped my legs over June’s legs.

“You can start now.” I said.

“Well, he began, last year I broke off from the guardian angels and became a freelance angel. I tried to remember all the guardians I had in the past the first one that came to mind was you. I went to the Great Service Library of the Guardian Angels and researched your life. That’s when I remembered where I knew you from. From that day on, I vowed that I would keep you safe from pain and suffering no matter what.”

I stared at Jesse for a minute. Then I asked him,

“How old are you? I swear if you are older than 18, I might just go crazy.”

Jesse laughed and said,

“I’m 18 just like you. The guardian angels will never assign you a half- human angel who is older or younger than you.”

I sighed a breath of relief. My life was finally beginning to turn around for the better.

I hope you enjoyed this story.Over the next few months, I will be sharing stories that I have written over the years. I will be sharing two scary stories in October. Be on the lookout!

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