The first step to forgiving is accepting the problem at hand. Whether it’s something as small as someone losing your favorite jacket or someone you thought would be there for you unconditionally wasn’t.
Before you forgive this person, you must forgive yourself.
You need to forgive that you allowed yourself to be put in the position in the first place. Knowing you can take yourself out of any situation or relationship is knowing you have the power to put yourself first and not make exceptions for the things you believe in.
We take the blame for things others do to us because honestly it’s just so much simpler. Say sorry, get over it and move on, no matter how much it actually bothers you. That’s apart of life, taking the blame is easy but the easy way isn’t always the best way.
Before I forgive, I owe myself an apology.
Sorry for not making you put yourself first.
Sorry for letting you over think and letting you think it was okay to be treated this way.
I’m sorry that I let you question your values and morals but most importantly, I’m sorry you questioned yourself.
I can honestly say that your gut feeling is almost ALWAYS right, and in my experience it has been. Whether I found out the next day or years later, it was right.
I believed that eliminating toxic people was just giving up, but some things just aren’t meant to last forever. It’s hard to think that something so near and dear to you will one day come to an end. Don’t get me wrong some relationships do last forever whether it’s a boyfriend or best friend, but just not always and that’s okay too.
Life is set up in this weird obstacle course way that makes you think going left is right but really you aren’t even supposed to make a turn. But these obstacles are put there for a reason, for you to see what you truly want or don’t want in your life.
It may take a month or even maybe a couple to forgive yourself, but time does heal all wounds and in these situations time is the best thing.
Forgiving is a new beginning, a new beginning to your attitude on life and a new way of treating yourself.
I may only be 20 years old and I have A LOT more to learn in life but I think this is a good start.
I want to thank those toxic relationships I’ve had in the past.
You are the reason I have set a standard to those who I surround myself with. You have helped mold me to the person I am today. Our time together was good and I regret none of it, but this is me taking a step back, looking in the mirror and saying “I forgive you” and that my friend is the best damn feeling.