I suppose in the movies they would call this the beginning of the end. Perhaps the end of the beginning?
Whos to say really, but it is now.
I have yet to figure out where this is, but it is a state, that appears to be all I know about it. A state of complete immobility.
I can barely remember the past yet am aching so desperately to see the future, probably because I have yet to figure out if there even is one.
It's all just moments, it's the minutes that matter.
I write this from the table on the patio of my childhood home, smoking an already crushed camel cigarette which is somehow reminiscent of my childhood. The house across the street, 921 is blue now. I am not sure when that happened.
did I miss that last time i was home
did I think it had always been that way
how could I forget it had once been white
There seems to be a lot of that here.
Forgetting that is.