If you have not already known, every Friday this Summer you can partake in an “Ancient Aliens” marathon that runs all day and all night, which makes it safe to say…Fridays are for the Ancient Aliens! If you are thinking ‘what the hell is “Ancient Aliens?’” Then you are out of your mind for missing out and doing something wrong on your Fridays, because this program is fire. Also, there quite a few of memes out there that you must have seen at least once. Like this,
This one.
And this guy,
“Ancient Aliens” has everything you could ever want in a show. We’re talking Aliens, we’re talking ancient civilizations, we’re talking mythologies, we’re talking religions, we’re talking origins of the earth and humankind, we’re talking UFO’s and USO’s, we’re talking nerds getting excited about Roswell, New Mexico, and we’re talking biased “ancient astronaut theorists,” constantly saying “yes” to everything that is proposed. “Ancient Aliens” is also, at the very least, fun for the whole family.
It makes for a both hysterical and quite interesting viewing experience while you sit back and watch this crazy possible extra-terrestrial biz. Some of the topics and supposed evidence, events and testimonies that are aired are surprisingly compelling and believable to the point of shock because, you know, aliens! However, some of the other sources of evidence, and the topics discussed, appear too fantastical and basically brings you to call bullshit on what’s going on. With this notion in mind, there are a few points in the show that prove frustrating to watch, and you may find yourself yelling profanities at the screen, but it does not deter you from continuing. Disagreeing with these supposed experts is just part of the fun and what “Ancient Aliens” is all about, and with another, less serious perspective, it is funny to see these delightfully awkward nerds get so animated and excited over an idea that he or she feels to be the utmost valid.
When watching “Ancient Aliens,” there has to be a sense of skepticism because one cannot assume that everything these ancient astronaut theorists with weird hair say are true (just as one cannot believe everything supposed politicians with weird hair say). You need to have and establish your own opinions behind these discussed theories - and any theory for that manner - and make your own judgments. Even if you genuinely think that aliens are behind everything humankind has achieved that is okay too, just as long as that is what you truly believe. Otherwise, you are lacking individuality and allowing others to think for you, which is not cool, but super lame.
Basically, what you get when you watch “Ancient Aliens” are a belly of laughs, a possible blown mind, new perspectives and a Friday well-spent. Make sure you get your snacks and sodas ready, bring your friends over, or go over your friend’s house or however you think to watch “Ancient Aliens,” and click on the History Channel, because it’s “Ancient Aliens” time!