On my team of 38, we are broken down into small groups we call “A Family.” Each family is given a different task to complete every couple weeks for bonding purposes. This past weeks challenge was to get together with your family/team, learn new facts about each of them, and create a team name. All four members of my little family thought long and hard because we wanted our name to have meaning. After days of contemplation, we still were having trouble putting our ideas together and into a single name that we can call our family.
Down to the wire and the evening before our “family” gathering we all had some great ideas but nothing stuck. After scrolling through twitter, a picture stood out to me that I thought would be just perfect. The twitter posting read “FEAR” has two meanings. Forget everything and run or forget everything and rise. Although my group and I have never looked at Fear in a positive way, always thinking it was something negative that held us back from achievements, we had a revelation. Our team name was now THE FEAR.
If you run from fear, you will never truly test your limits and succeed to your fullest potential. Our goal is to change the way our team and many individuals look at fear. Fear isn’t a bad thing; it is fuel to get and keep your engine going.
Personally, whenever I am scared of something, I overcome this challenge and feel the need to force myself to just do it and to stop the agonizing. Whether it is for trying a new activity in school, a new skill at practice, or even holding a snake (My biggest FEAR)!! Working through fears is much better than holding yourself back from it. When you confront your fears, it makes someone eager to try more.
When discovering forget everything and rise, I reversed my feelings about fear for this issuch a good way to transform the meaning of fear. In order to excel in something that scares you, one must have a clear mind, go for it, and use everything they have inside to accomplish the task. With nothing holding you back, it is impossible not to improve, succeed and conquer.
The bad kind of fear can be onset by illness, a lack of ability, a mental block, or low self-esteem. If you overcome these feelings and think positive, FEAR can ultimately increase your confidence. FEAR can give you passion. FEAR can inspire you and when you overcome it there is nothing better than that feeling of accomplishment. It’s all about how you chose to look at things in life. Take your old “fear” and throw it away! Use FEAR to benefit yourself!
My goal in sharing this article is to have my follower’s not only think of this new definition and but live by it. Share it with your friends. Spread the word, this new slogan and let FEAR take on this new meaning! No matter what your age, interests, or abilities, there is always room for improvement in all departments in life. Don’t be afraid, move forward, accept challenges as a new opportunity to achieve your goals. Always remember, you have to be in it to win it. The fear of striking out should never prevent you from playing the game! FEAR can really change your world.