Dear Childhood Friends,
When I think of you, I am reminded of the care-free laughs and spontaneity that came with the freedom of our youth. It seems that everything I’ve gone through, I remember you being there. Whether good or bad, my memories are yours. I feel with the direction our paths have gone they may not intertwine anymore, but I still appreciate our friendship that is always going to be strong and long-lasting. It may be hard to show appreciation because of where we are now and how little we see each other, but know I think of you often.
When I think of you now, I am beyond impressed with the ambitious drive you’ve presented as the years progressed. Each opportunity, you were not afraid to reach for. Despite the many disheartening times, I’ve seen you gain strength through them and it has me in awe. You were and are my role model, you have always been my rock, my comfort zone even while we stepped out of it together. Courageously taking risks to explore the world together has allowed us to be independent and open to new experiences. I can only thank you for being that icon of jumping into the waters of the unknown.
Knowing me as I am then and seeing me as I am now makes me feel like I am not alone. I have someone else to get me the way I don’t think the people I meet now could. They haven’t seen what has made me, so they can’t possibly know the reason why I am who I am today. There is no pressure or effort put into the relationship we have because the months that we go without talking doesn’t compare to the years we’ve shared.
You are forever cherished in my past, and I hold our friendship dear in the present, so I will respect it in the future. To my childhood friends, I could never let you go. Who knows where we will each be later on in life, but I know that in my heart we will always be friends. I thank you for help guiding me to be the person I can be proud of today. When I fall or lose sight, I can rely on the memories we shared and remember that you’ve believed in the better part of myself, so I can embrace it now.