The recent trend in the psychology of love and communication has been identifying your "Love Languages". At first, this might seem corny or weird, but it can help you identify how you best give and receive love. Sadly, the English word "love" has been far too watered down and easy to use flippantly.
It fascinates me how the Greek language has several different words to use for varying forms of love. The Love Languages do well to help describe different types of love and add more insight on how you communicate love.
There are five types of communication in love: Quality Time, Words of Affirmation, Acts of Service, Physical Touch, and Gifts. We all use these love languages, but some may be more prominent than others.
Quality time focuses on giving or receiving dedicated time with a person. For the time to be meaningful, that may mean turning off the smartphone, talking for hours on end, or simply being with the other person in silence. There is a mutual understanding that you are there for that person and you value just their company in that time.
Words of Affirmation is another dialect that focuses on speaking truth and encouragement into the hearts of the receiver. The people that receive this love experience words in powerful ways. What you say to this type of person can either build them up and spur them on or totally destroy them. Failing to affirm your love and confidence in them can end up hurtful and them feeling neglected.
Acts of Service is special and, in my opinion, the dialect most open for creativity. Doing little things for the people we love is a unique way of reminding someone that we were thinking of them and thought they were worth the time. Going the extra mile to bake cookies or clean the house to bless their day speaks volumes of love.
Physical touch is probably the most common way we think of showing our affection, but with this, it is important to know how another person receives love. You may receive love through physical touch more than someone else. It could be quite uncomfortable to be consoled or shown love through touch, and it that case, it is wise to be aware of the love dialects those close to you speak most frequently.
Gift Giving is a fun way to share physical reminders of affection, love, and adoration. There are the usual: flowers and jewelry to a girl or a wallet and a nice watch for a guy. Gifts can be extremely personal and uplifting when it really speaks to the person's interests.
These dialects were interpreted for all communication, not just a romantic love. They urge us to pay closer attention to the people we are around and to ourselves as we give and receive love. Finding out the way you communicate can be such a guidance, which I why I encourage anyone to take the love language test.
Visit: for a quick analysis and begin to understand just what dialect of love you best speak in.