Fordham Foods For Future Rams | The Odyssey Online
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Fordham Foods For Future Rams

Just in case you're curious

Fordham Foods For Future Rams

“So how’s the food at Fordham?”

This is a question that most Fordham students answer by slightly tilting and nodding their heads as if to say, “It’s okay...I mean it’s college food.” The food, honestly, isn’t that bad, but it isn’t that good either. So basically, it’s mediocre, but it does the job. There is a wide variety of places to eat on and off campus, which is convenient. If you’re not too familiar with them, you can continue reading, and if you are familiar, you’re welcome to read too. We’re all family here and remember, “Love is it!"

1. The Grille

If you’re in the mood for quality comfort food, then The Grille is the place for you. They’ve got fries (curly too if you’re lucky or if you ask), burgers, wraps, chicken tenders, and more. Their breakfasts are great as well! This is also one of two places that sells Starbucks Coffee on campus, which is a bonus. But, in a place with so many delicious fried foods, there are also healthy options. They have the BEST salads on campus that are actually bigger than the size of your head. (If you have a head this size, you should be concerned.) They also offer tasty soups and extremely delicious smoothies. Important side note: You can make your own smoothie or salad so the yummy possibilities are endless.

2. Cosi

Cosi is one of the most popular eateries on campus. It is a great sit-down place to chat with your friends, and the food is just as good! They have plenty of sandwich choices to offer (I honestly haven’t tried them all yet), and they have tasty salads as well. Cosi also sells a variety of beverages, like hot chocolate, teas, smoothies and assorted lemonades. Personally, I think the best thing about Cosi is their amazing breakfasts. Make sure you say “squagel” when you order their bagels because, if you say “bagel,” the employees will immediately correct you and you will feel embarrassed. They have a wide selection of breakfast options, so that comes in handy if you’re trying to break a boring food routine. Something important to know: They stop selling breakfast at 11 a.m. (10 a.m. on weekends) so get there ASAP because the squagel supply will dwindle very quickly.

3. Cafeteria (The Marketplace)

I’m going to be pretty straightforward: The food isn’t that great here. I feel it’s a better place to socialize than to eat. Regardless, they have a nice assortment of cereals, breads, bagels (they are called bagels here) and fruit. Don’t be afraid to take the fruit with you because you’ll be thankful you have something later when rummaging through your drawers looking for a late-night snack. The caf also has great quesadillas and burritos. AND ... if you’re an early riser, the quesadilla/burrito station is actually a make-your-own-bagel station in the morning! The omelette station is also very popular, but sometimes it’s a long wait. (it’s definitely worth the wait, though.) There’s also a sandwich/wrap station, which I feel is one of the better food choices. Just remember: “Toasted” is NOT the same thing as “roasted.” They will ask you that and you will get confused. Warning: The caf can be dangerous because you can go back to get one, two, maybe five servings of delicious ice cream at one sitting.

4. Starbucks and Jamba Juice

This little Starbucks is tucked away in McGinley, almost like it’s hiding on purpose ... but the drinks are pretty good! Plus, if you get a pastry, it counts as a meal swipe, which is always nice. It isn’t a real Starbucks, so they won’t have your venti Java Chip Frappe with whipped cream. If you’re really craving that, you can always walk right outside campus and go across the street to an actual Starbucks! At McGinely, the Jamba Juice smoothies are tasty as well, but unfortunately they only sell about three flavors -- three is better than none, right? Sadly, they got rid of the Panda Express this year so RIP to the fabulous orange chicken.

5. SubConnection

This is also a hidden eatery. But, it’s definitely easy to find because of its signature smell that won’t leave your nose until about 20 minutes after (and won’t leave your clothes for another 15). The “aroma” is a combination of Auntie Anne’s and the sub sandwiches. Some people say they enjoy it, but I fall on the opposite end of that spectrum. The best thing about SubConnection is its beautiful display of Ben & Jerry’s, which of course is perfect for any occasion. Their Auntie Anne’s is also delicious. I’ve had everything except the hot dog wrapped in a pretzel -- I plan on keeping it that way.

6. Pizza Studio, Chipotle and Applebee’s

If you’re feeling adventurous, you can walk right off campus and across the street to these three restaurants. Pizza Studio is quite tasty. Who would want to pass up a make-your-own pizza? Chipotle is beyond delicious; that’s a given. But another warning: plan your visit with ample time in mind because it is a new restaurant to the area (and it’s Chipotle), so the line is really long. Applebee’s is also very yummy. It’s a nice break from college food, and it is relatively cheap, so it can make a Thursday night an extremely fun time with a group of your friends.

7. Arthur Ave

No matter what restaurant you go to, you will instantly fall in love with Arthur Avenue. My favorites are Mario’s, Enzo’s, Michaelangelo’s, and Pasquale’s. But there Arthur Avenue definitely has more to offer than those four, and they also have more than just Italian food. There are Mediterranean, Mexican, and Japanese restaurants too! Let’s not forget about the best bakery in town -- the one and only Palombos! You’re guaranteed to feel a part of the Italian mob when you walk through the door because there is always a group of four men speaking Italian huddled in the corner. Regardless, Arthur Avenue is the highlight of the Bronx.

8. Pugsley’s and Best Deli

Now, you’ll most likely encounter Pugsley’s on your 3 a.m. walk home on the weekends, but the food always hits the spot and it’s pretty cheap too! The best things on the menu are their garlic knots, chicken rolls, pizzas (of course) and free burnt loaves of bread in the front ... just kidding (still confused as to why that’s a thing). Pugsley’s also delivers to campus, which is amazing. At Best Deli, there honestly isn’t a food that you can’t find. They have everything, I mean it. All of the gummies you can ever think of are at an arm's reach. Their sandwiches are also to die for. You really can never go wrong with anything you get there because it is so delicious.

All in all, there is no need to worry about the food at Fordham. There is so much to love, with so many options! A little advice from my own broke experience: Try to hold off ordering delivery for at least a month or you’ll make a terrible habit of it. There’s no need to constantly spend that extra money when there are many good choices right on campus.

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