I personally believe that women are God’s gift to man. We, the sole reproducers of the human race, contain unimaginable power. As a woman, there are things that I believe we as a whole should not do. As a single woman I have been able to take note of what works and what doesn’t work while being romantically un-involved. There are seven essential things that a single woman just should not do; the forbidden fruits of a single woman’s life.
1. Comparing your life to a virtual one.
At some point or another you have compared your life to someone else’s. I personally compare my social life to celebrities, the constant shuffling between cities and morning after stories that are Facebook worthy. However, comparison only works when there are like things to compare. Pinpointing resemblances or differences in someone else’s life and then putting them next to yours does not work. Be grateful for what you have and who you are.
2. Demonizing food.
Women are deemed as the “face” of America. If beauty pageants don’t support this theory, then take a look at most dieting supplement commercials and public advertisements, in which a majority of them have a woman trying to sell their product. Because of this, we have been convinced and continue convincing ourselves that our looks determine our worth. This makes viewing food as the enemy an easy thing to do. If you are a single woman, this might take priority over your life in service of finding a “good man.” Do not be fooled by the superficial idea that food should only be consumed in small portions every now and then. Humanize the enemy, food is your friend. Also, ice-cream, thank you very much.
3. Holding on to toxic friends.
Life is too short to have frenemies.
4. Trying to be “one of the guys.”
Either you are or you aren’t. But why would you want to be? Just because you like sports or are into auto mechanics does not make you “one of the guys” you’re simply a woman with like interests. Being single and being “one of the guys” puts you in the awkward position of knowing enough to be one of the guys while maintaining femininity. Enough is enough, just express your interests, and carry on.
5. Labeling
This one is tricky, but often done in a woman’s life. Either we are the ones being labeled or we are dropping the labels, inventing them each week like an assembly line. The most sought after label for a woman is, you guessed it, “crazy.” This is dangerous on so many levels. It discredits everything she says from that point on and causes an superior complex for the disputer. There are some others like “overly sensitive” and “PMSing” that also undermine and dismiss women we should stay away from saying.
6. Over complicating by under evaluating
Do not over complicate your life by not taking the time to fully evaluate everything you do. Not to say “over analyze” because there is a difference. Just take a few minutes of your time to think before doing, saying, or watching anything that could complicate your personal life or play a role in identifying who you are.
7. Fear
As a woman, I can admit to wanting to be in control of every aspect of my life, but there are fortunately some in which I don’t. You cannot organize your love life to the point where finding someone becomes a science, because it’s not. Love is not that simple and you should not be afraid of the things you can’t control, rather believe that there is something bigger taking place and life will find its way around in favor of you.