I don’t understand politics, and no I am not afraid to say that. My whole life I’ve been blessed; I grew up in a well-off family living in a very affluent community. I’ve never had to worry about taxes, or if there will be food on my plate tonight. I was lucky enough to receive a barely used car for my 18th birthday. I attended one of the best High Schools in Illinois, let alone the entire nation. I lived in Singapore for a year and a half where I attended the best international school in the world. My single working mother was able to pull the strings for me to go to a fantastic private school from kindergarten to fourth grade. I’m now a freshman at the largest catholic university in the nation. Why would I ever have to pay attention to politics when my life has been truly blessed with all these opportunities and gifts?
As we all know Donald Trump was just elected as our new president of the United States. This has caused many mixed emotions for people around the country, tears, anger, joy, laughter, excitement. I for one do not know what to think. I would like to believe that our country has made the right decision, that everything will be fine. But so many voices around me tell me other words.
My life motto since I was little has been “everything happens for a reason.” That’s what I am living off of right now. Clinton may have been a great candidate, but if everything truly happens for a reason then Trump is apparently what this country needs.
This past year I have not participated in any debates or conversations about politics. To be honest it’s not within my nature to get heated about political candidates. As I said, I don’t understand politics. At my age, I truly believe that the people I spend time with following their parent’s voices. How can they not? We have been taught nothing else.
During this election I have tried to understand both sides, I was taught in my class, WRD 103, that instead of fighting your opponent you should try to understand why the person would take the stance that they are. That’s what I have done, I have contemplated each side. Yet still I feel nothing, I don’t know what to think, I understand each view and I know which candidate my values most support. However, my brain is still very uninterested in this political world. I try to be interested, but when given the opportunity to read an article about the election or an article about Kanye’s tour being rescheduled, I’d rather read about Kanye.
This was my first year voting, no I am not happy that this is the year that I could finally vote. I’m glad I had some input but I wish I was voting for the person who I truly wanted to be president, not because I really didn’t want the other person to win. From what I could understand about the election is that neither candidate were great options. I think lots of people would agree with me on this. When you think about it this election would not have been so bad if there was one candidate who America truly wanted. Instead, we were forced to vote because we couldn’t bare the thought of either Trump or Clinton becoming president. That is ridiculous to me, this reminds me of a popularity contest. This is our country, not a popularity contest. America we are not in the sixth grade!
Many people out there are depressed, angry, and scared today. But I assure you everything will be okay. Did the world explode this morning? No. So show everyone that you are strong, and nothing can knock you down. Don’t act like you are going to die because Trump is in office. Yes, I get it, some may suffer. But remember there're people suffering all over the world. As my mother told me repeatedly, and I’m sure many of your mothers told you when you were younger, “life isn’t fair.” Unfortunately, life truly isn’t fair and that is reality. But that doesn’t mean there will never be another happy moment in your life again.
So America I encourage you to have faith because from what I’ve learned in my short eighteen years is that “everything happens for a reason.”