In honor of my beautiful mother's 50th birthday, i made a list of 50 reasons why I love her. Needless to say, making this list was almost as infuriating as she can be.....KIDDING! ;)
But for real, after you read this article, go hug your mom, because if she's even half as great as mine then she deserves it.
1. She Always Knows How To Make Me Laugh
Like milk shooting out of my nose, face turning red, crying laugh.
2. She Can Sing, Like Really Good
Even if she doesn't think so.
3. We Like The Same Stuff
Books, movies, TV shows, etc. Which is totally awesome, because I always have someone to talk to about my obsessions.
4. She Just Gets Me
5. She's Always On My Side
Against anyone. Random mean people, evil bugs/spiders, and Julie from 5th grade who said my Lizzie McGuire pants were 'so last year'.
6. She Gives The BEST Advice
She tells me exactly how to handle literally, anything that happens.
7. She Stands By My Dad
Fro 27 years. Even when he is wrong or crazy or they fight- she supports him. It's nice to have grown up seeing a loving and supportive wife, especially in this day and age. And it was an excellent example of how I should be when I get married.
8. She's The Rare Kind Of Person Who Is Actually Pretty When They Cry
*cue eye roll* …. Its super annoying, especially to someone who is really ugly when they cry aka me.
9. She's My Size In Clothes
So, I have two closets- which is freaking AHHmazing..
10. She’s Never Asked Me To Be Something I’m Not
She just accepts me as my weird self.
11. She Has Faith In The Lord And His Promises
12. She's Always There For Me
13. She's Very Generous
She would give you the shirt off of her back if you needed it.
14. She ForgivesEven if it takes a while, she always does. Its so nice to know that someone will forgive you when you're a jerk. It's not just me that she forgives. But she forgives others who have been much meaner to her
.15. She Can Bake
… really good
16. She Makes Sure That I Know I'm Loved
17. She's Not Perfect
And she definitely doesn’t pretend to be, she embraces her flaws instead of hiding from them.
18. She's Very Easy Going
19. Shes Friendly
She could have a conversation with ANYONE. She will have just met someone and in 5 minutes they are laughing and talking like they’ve known each other for years.
20. Her Laugh Is Contagious
I know people say this a lot, but this is actually SO true. Its impossible to not laugh when my she laughs.
21. She's A US Air Force Veteran
22. She Loves Animals
Almost as much as I do.
23. She Has An Amazing Imagination
Listening to and reading the stories she thinks of and writes, amazes me every time. I hope one day she'll submit one and be published, so everyone can read them.
24. She Always Helps Me With My Problems
Big or small. She helps me figure out what to do, and makes big problems seem so small. I don’t know how she does it but she just does with a hug and a cup of coffee (even though she hates the stuff)
. ;)25. She Has Weird Taste In Music
But she would probably say I'm the one with bad taste in music. Which is really funny.
26. She Can Paint Nails Like Really Good
27. She Never Tells Me I CANT Do Something
She tells me that something will take some work, but not that I just CANT
do it.28. She Radiates Love
I remember when I was in elementary school and she worked at my school. She would show the kids SO much love, giving them candy and telling them how amazing they were, you would’ve thought they were all her children.
29. She Has Good Style
30. Shes A Wonderful Daughter
While my grandparents (her parents) were still alive, she gave them so much, and showed them so much love, because she knew that they gave and showed her that much when she was growing up.
31. She's Respectful
She automatically has respect for anyone she meets, and she will continue to respect them, even if they give her reason no to.
32. She Prays Constantly
Ad taught me to.
33. She Put Up With Me And My Sister’s Crazy Teenage Years
Which I know was hard, haha
34. She Always Carried Everything For Us
When our family went to amusement parks or shopping,- which doesn’t seem like that big of a deal, because it’s such a small act, but also a very selfless act.
35. She Encourages Me To Chase My Dreams
More like shoves, LOL.
36. I Can Talk To Her About Literally ANYTHING
37. She Encourages Me To Find The Good In Everything
Especially when its hard.
38. She's A Weirdo
Like me.
39. She Reminds Me I Am Worthy
40. She Taught Me How To Be Independent And Strong
42. She Accepts All My Little Quirks
43. If She Ran The World, No One Would Ever Be Mean To Me, Ever
44. She Loves Disney
Just as much as I do.
45. She Never Body Shamed Or Degraded Me
She knew how important it was and is to build a little girls sense of self worth
.46. She Has An Answer For Every Question I Have
How long does this go in the microwave? Can I put this in the washing machine? What should I say to {insert name here}? Why is the sky blue?
47. She Taught Me To Stand Up For Myself And My Beliefs
48. She
Has AMAZING Work Ethic
It's admirable.
49. She Sat Through All of My Softball Games
In the freezing rain, in the snow, in the scorching heat, she was always there.
50. She
Loves Me No Matter What
Even when I'm “too much”, even when i have meltdowns, even when I'm a jerk. Still she loves me