Everyone has those days. The ones where you want to give up and just throw in the towel, but let me tell you this:
Don't quit. It's worth the struggle.
Remember the story of the pearl? At some point in an oyster’s life, a substance, like a grain of sand, gets into it and irritates it. The longer that irritation is there, the more the oyster coats it, trying to get rid of the irritating feeling. Once the oyster accepts that it can't get rid of that irritation, the pearl begins to develop. As time goes on, the oyster eventually gets pulled up from where it has been and reveals a beautiful pearl.
Relate this to your life. You're the oyster. All sorts of horrible things are thrown your way, but instead of constantly fighting against them, let them make you stronger- let them turn you into a pearl. Struggling in life helps build the tools that you will need later on in your life. This sounds a lot easier than what it really is. I won't lie to you, I hate the struggles. But they have taught me how to survive and being able to survive is key to this world. Nothing is ever going to go the right way all the time. It is vitally important for you to be able to survive, even if the odds are against you.
You will survive because the fire inside of you is greater than the fire around you.
I'm not telling you that you have to be independent and glide through the problems of life struggle-free. But I am telling you that it is an important part of life for you to be able to survive, even if you barely get through it. It doesn't matter if you run through it, crawl through it, or cry through it, because all that matters is that you made it.You got through the sucky part and came out on the other side as a different person. You're now stronger, smarter, and resilient.
Think of your future. What about your dreams? Of becoming a doctor, becoming a vet, becoming an artist, becoming a business leader, becoming a missionary... Don't give up on your dreams. They're worth it. Once you make it there, it will be so rewarding. You'll look back and be so thankful that you didn't give up. You'll be proud of where you came from. But most of all, you'll be able to tell your story to someone who is struggling, just like you were at one point.
You still want to quit? Alright, I'm not here to tell you what to do. I'm just here to show you that you can push through it and you can come out on the other side, if you choose to. Just know that you have someone on your side, someone in your corner, someone fighting for you. I believe in you.
So, here's the point: No grit. No pearl.