Everyone has those days (cue Hannah Montana in the background), where you feel like Judd Nelson in the Breakfast Club and everyone is against you. You have the scowl and the bad attitude and that’s it- you have to fight the whole world today since the whole world is fighting you.
But in reality, maybe you just spilled your coffee this morning. Or got cut off by some jerk on your way to work or school. The important thing to keep in mind is, the world is not against, your mindset is. A crappy thing may have happened, but you don’t have to let that bring down your whole day.
The power of positive thinking is often overlooked. And many people say “sending good vibes your way” without really understanding what that means. There’s the belief (explained in the book/movie The Secret) where you receive the energy you give into the world by the law of attraction. If you give out positive vibes, optimistic energy, then good things shall come your way. If you constantly have a resting b*tch face and emanate negativity, then unlucky things will happen to you.
Have you ever noticed that, on a good day, it seems as though nothing gets you down? And only good things seem to happen? Conversely, on a bad day, it seems like everyone is out to get you? (Even thought I tend to be guilty of doing this too), it’s really all in our heads. Hardly ever is there any stranger trying to make your day miserable, but many times strangers want to add points in their karma bank and try to do something nice.
It’s only human to get ourselves down, to get lost in our heads. It’s what we do about it that matters. SO what should we do next time we find ourselves having a bad day? Look up an inspiration account on Instagram (@drinkpositivitea, @coconutology, and @positivity.posts are a few I follow), or pinterest motivational quotes. Do something to try to get your mind off of whatever it is that’s stuck in your head. If you’re home, try doodling. Or those adult coloring books. Look up quick meditations on YouTube. Message an old friend on FaceBook and make yourself realize all the positives in your life. Read a good book. Take a friend to the local thrift store and sort through other people’s old treasures. Distracting yourself may seem like “a cop-out”, but if it gets you out of your funk then it’s not bad. After all, after an hour or so, the problem won’t seem as intense.
Isn’t it funny how that works? At 1:00pm, it could feel as though the world is ending and all you want to do is cry. After a nap, a movie, a chat, or something distracting, that thing feels so miniscule and unimportant, you wonder why you were even so upset in the first place.
The next time you feel as though the world is against you, try to remember that is actually is not. NO ONE wants to upset you. NO ONE is out to get you. And, time heals all. In a small amount of time, you’ll be feeling less like John Bender and more like yourself again. Just smile, remind yourself of how amazing you are, and this too shall pass.