In life, everyone experiences their own hardships. For some, it is worse than for others, but everyone has their own struggle to deal with. It is something some are very open about while others hide it deep away pretending to always be ‘okay’.
Although I have been blessed enough to live a life that many would classify as privileged, I have known my own hardship. I’ve had horrible fights with those closest to me that ended in never speaking again. I’ve had people go out of their way to hurt me, and I’ve watched as I lost touch with everything I thought I knew. I always realized life wasn’t perfect, but I never expected there to be so much pain.
I used to think smiling through the pain was the best way to deal with these situations, to act as if nothing was wrong. This tactic did get me through more than my fair share of mishaps, but I learned something along the way. I learned that once you find someone to confide in, someone you trust, the healing process is much faster. They are able to provide an alternative perspective and help prevent you from making the situation worse. They are able to make you smile through your tears.
Whether it is a family member, friend, or mere acquaintance, having someone is always better. Talking through the problem and expressing yourself leads to healing. Just because you can handle things alone, doesn’t mean you should or have to.
Life is too short to spend it upset. You are the only person who has control over your own happiness. Although others can make seeing the shiny happy light hard, no one can stop you from finding it.