I know how you feel. It's been a long day or a long week and things just haven't been going in your favor.
1. Stay positive.
Things will eventually begin to look up and go your way.
2. Believe in yourself.
Happiness is a mindset, and you can do anything you set your mind to.
3. Think about your blessings.
Life is too short to always focus on what you don't have, so start focusing on what you do have. Focus on what you need to do to reach your goals. Keep your goals far enough out of reach so that you continuously work toward them.
4. A bad day doesn't mean you have a bad life.
Everyone has bad days, so shake it off, and tomorrow is a new beginning.
5. Be thankful.
Not everyone has the things you do or is able live the life you were blessed with.
6. Call a family member.
They're right majority of the time, so look to those who love you unconditionally for the best advice.
7. Why not you?
I will never understand why bad things happen to good people, but you are never better than anyone else, so when something bad occurs in your life, think "why not me?" Instead of "why me?"
Everything will get better and your day will get brighter. Look for the good in your surroundings. God is all around you and will lead you in the right path.