We say we'll wait until we're ready. We put things off. We tell ourselves: next week I'll start, next year I'll do it. We too often use fear and doubt as excuses to avoid making progress, taking steps, chasing our dreams.
The point is sweet and simple: do it now. If you've been looking for a sign, this is it. Here it is.
Begin training for the half marathon or the 5k. Start writing the book. Create the business you've always wanted. Take the trip.
Our dreams are not random, our goals are not meaningless ideas. Do not treat them as such.
Stop waiting for the stars to align, or for things to settle down. The timing will never be perfect.
Whatever idea it was that popped into your head as you read this, please get started on it. Whatever passion you want to pursue, please do. The world will, in some way, be a better place because of it.
You may be surprised at where your journey will take you, what you will learn, where you will end up. But you will be grateful for having tried.
I know I am.