You know, being a college student is a wonderful thing. You have so many opportunities in college that, if you take advantage of them, could take you far.
You might discover a career path you never thought you’d enjoy, or you might find a new hobby which you can pursue with a passion in your free time.
I know that college is rough, and being a college student means sometimes you have to skip sleep because you have a paper due the next morning that you haven’t started yet. Though, for me, I haven’t actually done that yet (I crave my sleep more than many of my peers). Instead, my procrastination usually happens with waking up a lot earlier than I normally would.
Anyways, I think we all can agree that college is awesome. It has its ups and downs, but we wouldn’t trade it for the is a place to discover who we are and what we are really passionate about.
For me, I never imagined that I might choose to pursue a degree in computer science. After all, I have no background in computers and little experience with technological problem solving. But right now, I’m finding that I really do like what I’m doing.And while I’m still working through the prerequisites, I’m starting to realize that maybe I could have a future in this.
Sure, it sucks to be always missing out on socializing with friends because I have homework to do or a job to go to, but I’m finding what really sets my mind and heart on fire.
And that’s what matters in the collegiate journey.
When you find what you’re looking for in life, it doesn’t matter what difficulties stand in your way. You’re more willing to face them because you know that you are pursuing something worthy of your attention, something that makes you want to become more than you are.
Sometimes we need a little pick-me-up to get us through the day. Because college is rough. Working a job on the side makes it that much harder. But it’s all worth it.
If you set your mind to the task at hand and allow yourself the opportunity to see the bigger picture, then you will go far. You will be able to succeed.
You will be able to succeed at whatever you put your mind to.
I’ve seen this in my job, where I now can train other people to do what I do, as well as in my schoolwork, with a 3.60 GPA. I don’t write this to brag about my own position, however. I write this because I know the struggles that many people face in high school and college.
So much happens in these formative years that we can’t always face on our own. That’s why it’s important to know there are people out there for us, supporting us, and important to extend that same hand of friendship to other people.
As I end my spiel, I want to leave you with this.
The world is a wonderful and scary place.It has its dangers and has its struggles.Some of you reading this may not be in college yet, and that is okay too. But I want you all to know that I love you and I support you. I would never want you to be ashamed of who you are and I would never want anyone to treat you like trash because you made a mistake or because they can’t appreciate you for who you are. Therefore, I challenge you to extend that same recognition to others.
The only way we can make this world a better place is to treat others as we want to be treated. As a result, we must reach out to those around us and let them know how much we appreciate them. If they are struggling let us love on them so much that they give back to someone else. If we are struggling, let us reach out to others and let them know so they can do the same for us. And if there is any gap in this chain, let’s try to use the resources which are available to us to simply make the place we live in better for everyone around us and everyone who might be in our future.
Thank you for your time.
Naomi signing out.