Sometimes I really do wish life were straightforward. If you’ve seen the movie National Treasure, then you know Riley Poole. He is my favorite character and recently I have discovered why. In the movie when clues keep leading to more clues, Riley says, “Why can’t they say, 'go to this place, here's the treasure, spend it wisely?'” In this instance, I am Riley. I want a blueprint at times for life. Do this and go this way and you’ll end up where you need to be. Am I the only one out there that at times has wished this is how it worked?
Then I ask myself the question, what if I did have a blueprint?
If we had a plan to follow we would know everything about our lives and how boring would it be. You would know everything you would get to do or see. You’d be overwhelmed or maybe you’d judge your life without knowing or understanding why things happen this way or that. Life is not about the plan but the every day of it.
If I really look at what having a blueprint would mean then I have to say this, "thank the Lord we don’t." I also realize the main reason I wanted a blueprint was to do the best. I want to do things the best way possible and having this mentality of trying to figure out the best can be difficult. How can we know the best? After all, isn’t that the mindset behind the blueprint?
Christ’s first miracle (John 2) was turning the water into wine at a wedding. Recently, the Lord showed me how powerful this miracle is and how it relates to this blueprint mentality. After Christ turns the water into wine (v. 6-8), the headwaiter remarks to the groom how amazing it is that they saved the best for last when normally it is first (v. 9-10). This shows us that anything God has His hands in is best. The wine was the best because of Christ’s hand in it.
The part where Mary talks to Christ (v. 3-5) has always bothered me until the past time reading it. She wasn’t commanding Christ to do anything. She was ASKING for His help. She saw a need and knew He not only could but would do something to help. After mentioning the issue, she turns to the servants and says, “Do whatever it is He tells you to.” (John 2:5).
This is our blueprint:
1) Ask Him for help and direction. He knows the need but He wants us to bring it to His feet.
2) Believe He can and will.
3) Do whatever He tells you to do.
We have the blueprint for the best. We don’t have to have a blueprint for our entire lives. All the instruction and direction is right there in a relationship with Him. It is spending time with Him; praying and letting His Word lead us. Whatever He tells you to do is backed up in His Word. He won’t contradict Himself and this is how you can know for sure it is from Him. What have you been doing daily to get close to Him? He wants a relationship with YOU.
His best is available for you and your life. Will you ask? Do you believe He will help and will you follow His instruction even when you don’t understand? The servants might have found their simple task of filling the waterpots and taking a glass to the headwaiter to be tedious but it was their part and look what happened: a miracle! It is from Him that the best happens. If you want what is best then look to Him because it only comes through His hands.