Over achieving comes with so many amazing outcomes. People appreciate the work you do because you put your all in everything that you do. Your grades are typically above expectations. Plus, the feeling of creating something you put in your absolute best in everything you do is amazing.
It is good to be proud of yourself.
However, as an over-achiever myself, I've noticed that working constantly like this can really take a toll. You can forget about yourself among doing your best professionally and/or academically. Sometimes it can get hard to focus on yourself and remember the importance of self-care when you're an over-achiever.
It is important to know when you need to take a break and make time for yourself.
I know, it is easier said than done to focus on yourself when you have deadlines on your back. But it is important to plan. Plan a day for work, plan a day for rest, plan a day for play, or just plan your days however it suits you. Write your plan down, everything you are planning to do in a day, write it down ahead of time. If you schedule out your days tentatively, of course, you will have a set guide, you will not forget to do anything, and you will be able to time-manage your work, school, and me-time.
I also know that the stress is real.
It is hard to go the extra mile on every piece of work you put out.
Another tactic which could be hard for someone who wants to do their best on everything they do: decide which assignment is most important and always focus on it the most. Manage your work by which classes are the hardest or which assignment does your employer cares about most. Always rate your to-do list by importance.
Lastly, if you get feedback you were not necessarily expecting, do not panic. No one, and I mean no one, is perfect and everyone makes mistakes. Do not give yourself a hard time; instead, you should make it your motivation to come back stronger when knocking out other assignments.
All in all, as an overachiever, it is important to remember you are not a kiss-ass.
Some people think those who over-achieve are kissing ass, but no, you are simply always putting your best foot forward. Isn't that what you're supposed to do?
Please do not lose yourself in the chaos of always working hard. Remember, if you do not take care of yourself, you will eventually not be able to pump out your best work because of exhaustion. There is nothing wrong with always going above and beyond, but do not forget about self-care.