Don't give up is a phrase that people love to tell you when you aren't doing to hot, but is that what you're really doing when you drop something? The world puts such a pressure on youth to excel beyond all their limits and if they don't they're considered lazy. Here's the thing: letting something go isn't failure. And even if your dead set in your ideas that it is, failure isn't bad. We limit ourselves so highly when we believe we can't back out or drop things.
College is rough. Everyone takes on a million and one tasks that they weren't used to in high school; plus the demanding nature of the course load itself. Then they get stuck in the mass chaos of all their demanding positions and are so pressured to keep everything down, on lock, constantly.
I have held myself to these standards for so long. I was terrified to end any of my volunteer work, club memberships, theater obligations and so on and so forth. I would call my parent's balling my eyes out asking what to do on an almost daily basis.
Here's what the very wise Bill and Cecilia Mace let me know.
"Julz, you can always let something go."
I was taken back. Are you guys crazy? I need to get into grad school and then a PhD program. I can't do that it I drop out of one of my activities.
"Are you enjoying it?"
"No, it's extremely stressful and hard."
"Then let it go. If you feel like you can handle it, do it again next year."
There's the magic ticket. You have four years in college. Be present. You should be enjoying your time their not constantly worrying about where you'll go next. If you really can't do it anymore, let it go. You can always try it next year, and if you're graduating, new opportunities will always arise. Take care of your happiness and well-being before you worry about being a super-person. You have one college experience. Have fun.