We stare at the black mirrors of our phones looking at our disappointed reflection and wondering why we can't be like the people we saw on our screens a few minutes earlier. It seems like everyone is living the life I want to live. It seems like everyone has found their niche, whether that be music, fashion, traveling, writing, photography, sports, etc, but the problem is that you have no idea what yours is because you kind of like just about everything. And not only do you feel like you haven't found your niche yet, you also feel like you don't have your life figured out at all. In all honesty, it's extremely difficult to figure out who we are while taking the steps to become what we thought we wanted to do with our lives when we were seniors in high school. Not to mention all the outside things we have to deal with like friends and family, social life, being involved in campus, GPA, and just about everything else life likes to throw at you.
You see, I haven't figured out that I'm an adult yet even though I feel like everyone else my age has. College was a very hard transition for me for whatever reason I just couldn't seem to comprehend that I wasn't in high school anymore. It made it even harder when I realized that everyone else had already moved on from high school and was thriving in college. By the time I realized this everyone already found their future bridesmaids and all the other cliche things you hear about the friends you make in college. I also realized that that I needed to start living my life instead of being scared of it.
I'm a perfectionist. I like to know that I am going to succeed in what i put my mind to and life has a funny way of not letting you know what you want to know. College especially likes to throw you curveballs to see how you'll handle it. As you can guess it is hard for me to not be scared of the future, it's hard for a lot of people to not be scared of the future. That being said, I never could understand how everyone I saw on Instagram seemed to have their lives together and seemed to know what they were doing with their life. Well, I have news for you. You probably seem to have it all together too and those people you are looking at wishing you had it together like they do are probably wishing the same thing about you.
Social media has a strange way of manipulating what you see to make you think that it is reality and that's not necessarily the case. I'm not saying that no one has it together, but i am saying that not everything is exactly the way that it seems on your phone screen. So yeah, it can be hard to figure out who you are, but in the day of social media, it can make it ten times harder to be okay with yourself and feel good with the way you're living your life, especially with the luxury of being able to see what everyone else is doing plus the human psychology of comparing ourselves to others.
I'm here to tell you that it's OK to not feel like you're doing good, but you must know that you are doing the best that you can. Don't feel like you aren't good enough because you don't feel like you compare to others.