Ever since I graduated College I've wanted a pet, a companion that I can take care of and spend time with without going through the craziness of pregnancy. I am nowhere near ready for that in my current situation, not to mention it's an entirely different commitment. Taking care of another life is tough no matter the circumstance but there's something rewarding about it that people like and that's what makes all the tough times worth it. Pets are very much like children and in many homes, that's how they are treated.
In my opinion the pros to having a pet outweigh the cons. Pets are great, they play with you, comfort you when you're down, make you smile and laugh with their antics and they're sometimes the best people to talk to because they're such great listeners! Okay maybe that last one is silly but in many circumstances it's true. Pets definitely help you relax and they make you feel less alone, they're some of the best companions to have, that's why so many people look into adding them to the family and pets really do become a major part of the family. It's no secret humans get attached to their pets and it isn't uncommon for people to refer to them as a four legged child or sibling rather than a pet. The word “pet” can sometimes make your four-legged family member seem less important, which is obviously untrue.
All pets have the same effect on the family so what determines whether you pick a cat, dog or something else altogether? I suppose it comes down to personal preferences and what you're looking for in a pet. For me personally, I prefer dogs over anything else. When I was growing up my mom always had a lot of cats. It just sort of happened that way, it wasn't like she preferred them. We'd often get asked if we wanted to adopt a kitten or we'd find an innocent kitten on the street. If memory serves me correctly we only truly considered and bought our first cat, all the others just kind of happened.
I loved each one of my cats but I was
always closer to our dog. My Aunt had found our dog, whom we
affectionately call Hershey because he is a chocolate lab, and
brought him over to our house. Since Hershey was such a big dog, she
didn't have room for him in her tiny Center City house. I remember
being super excited when Mom and my Stepdad said yes to taking the
dog in. From the first minute I met him, I loved him.
Dogs are the best companions because they almost always want to be around you, when you walk in the door they get super excited to see you. They jump on you and give you kisses and often follow you around for a bit. It's such an amazing feeling because it is a loyal, unconditional love that dogs have and it's one that can truly warm the heart. I feel that's one thing that can brighten anyone's day, especially if you've come home after a bad day. Every time I visit my mom, Hershey is the first one at the door and it always makes me smile. I've spent hours just laying with him and petting him.
Not only do dogs love you unconditionally but they're also super playful all the time. Cats are playful too and they do some really cool things but it's not always. Cats will play with you on their own terms and they'll let you know if they don't want to play. Dogs don't really do that and they're so much fun to play with. Growing up, I'd watch my dad play with all kinds of dogs and he loved to rough house with them. It was always fun to watch and sometimes I'd get involved but usually I was too busy laughing at my dad. I'd love to have a dog I could rough house with as well because it is so much fun, a couple playful nips and some scratches never hurt anyone!
Dogs are also a great way to exercise too. Not only are you active when playing with them but dogs love walks. No one likes being cooped in the house but a lot of us are lazy and don't feel like going out. I am no stranger to this feeling but dogs like to be active. They'll bug you to go for walks and seeing this will more than likely make people actually go out. Sometimes, if you really want to be fit you can even jog with dogs, I've seen dog owners do it! That can be a lot of fun and the important part is that it's quality time with you and your dog. I love the idea of this and I'd really enjoy going on walks with my dog and spending that quality time with them.
Spending time together is important to dogs, they're dependent on that which is another thing I really love about dogs, they're dependence. Cats are independent animals most of the time, they do things they're way on their own schedule and there's nothing wrong with that but I'd like a pet that is dependent and needs me to take care of it. I like the idea of this because I think it creates a stronger bond.
I like cats but I love dogs. When I get a pet someday, I really want to look into getting a dog. I feel it'll help me emotionally and physically. Maybe somewhere in the distant future, after I've had my dog for awhile, I'll get a cat but my first pet would have to be a dog. Dogs are absolutely wonderful!
I want to hear from you, the reader. Do you prefer cats or dogs or do you not mind either way?