For The Love Of All Things Southern | The Odyssey Online
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For The Love Of All Things Southern

We aren't just rednecks.

For The Love Of All Things Southern
Southern Capitols & States - YouTube

There’s this place in America that is generally looked down on for bigotry, childhood obesity, and low-income families. I live in that place. We are the South. Until I left it, I didn’t know how great and vital that it was to my life and so many others'. It isn’t all bad despite how the media portrays it. I would like to introduce you to my home and why I love it.

It is so diverse, so if you want to live in a big city you can; if you want to live in a smaller city, you can; if you want to live at the beach, you can. It doesn’t all fit the same mold. We have a wide range of cities like Birmingham, Alabama to Toccopola, Mississippi, who most haven’t heard of and might not even be able to pronounce. Some towns are so small, you just have to use the town closest to you to describe where you live, and some towns are so big that you have to describe which part exactly you are from. There is so much beauty here, too, from the Appalachian mountains to the great Mississippi River and the Gulf of Mexico. Sometimes, you are conditioned to think that it’s all small towns and that there’s nothing to do here except go to Walmart parking lots, but I promise that isn’t the case.

We are some of the most respectful and kind people you will ever meet. “Yes, ma’am,” and “No, sir” are so common that you almost don’t remember when you say it to people. It is not even about age, it is that parents instilled in you respect, and for that, I am so thankful. I am not saying everyone in the South is kind, but a majority of us are. I have had friends come down from Michigan, and Illinois that were shocked at the hospitality they were shown, and in other parts of the country, I have been shocked at how people acted towards each other. Our twang is our sweet commonality. Most think you are less intelligent if you use it, but I can promise that is not the case. As a whole, we are some of the sweetest, unless it comes to football. If you're our rival, I just may offer up a “Bless your heart.”

Football is a household name in the South. NFL, College, high school are all a must on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. In high school, it promotes health and fitness and a good competitive spirit. It is something everyone can get excited about. One thing we aren’t bothered with being called is the best in college football. The SEC is one of the toughest and most entertaining programs in the nation. It is one of the best feelings to hear Eli Gold’s “TOUCHDOWN,” or that your team has won a game. It brings so many people together in community to cheer on their team. Tailgating is one of the best experiences you will ever have. It is nothing but a group of people coming together to support the same school and having a good time. It is a huge party basically. Sometimes it even gives you feel good chills to hear that certain cheer or chant from your school, seeing good plays, or when you win a game. The rivalries are serious business and can divide a house if serious enough. When people don’t get excited about it, it feels almost alien here. Competition brings out the best and the worst in us, but this competition is one of my favorite tradition here.

Food is another one of my favorite parts of our little part of the country. We have everything from sweet tea to biscuits and fried chicken. The food is top notch and homemade. Most of the time, you can taste what part of the South it came from. You can taste the love that was put into making your food. If you aren’t careful, though, your stomach will feel it too.

If I haven’t sold you yet, our music may. Many of the greatest influences on music come from the South. We have rock music, contemporary, rap, and country from artists such as Elvis, Lynard Skynard, Tim McGraw, and T.I. The South has made so many versatile and wonderful artists. We have produced music that is unforgettable and legendary.

This is my home and I am glad to show you just a little insight on the beauty South of the Mason-Dixon line.

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