For The Kids, College Dance Marathons | The Odyssey Online
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For The Kids, College Dance Marathons

When your feet hurt and your are running out of energy, just keep dancing.

For The Kids, College Dance Marathons
Elise Knebusch

Dance marathons on college campuses are something that have become more and more normal to advocate and to help raise money for some absolutely incredible causes.

Whether they are five hours long or forty-eight hours long, everyone involved has a great time dancing and raising money for an incredible cause. Dancing for a cause motivates students to go out and donate and do their part for sick children in need. "For the kids!" is usually chanted and cheered as the hours pass and everyone's feet slowly start to hurt more. Being a part of something like this is a once in a lifetime experience and gratifying. Hearing about children from your local children's hospital that you will be dancing for because they can't is humbling and amazing. Getting to meet so many new people who all want to help kids and have a good time is great and it is hard to not keep smiling the entire time. All of the activities and challenges that you are faced with during the marathon make you think and realize how lucky you are to be able to dance in memory of children everywhere. Not only are you dancing for numerous hours on end and not allowed to sit down, but you are also raising money to donate at the end of the night. The money goes straight to the hospital for the kids and seeing the end total is one of the best feelings in the world. Knowing that you were a part of something bigger that raised thousands of dollars to go to sick kids to help with treatments is touching and unforgettable. I am so thankful and grateful to have been able to be a part of something like this and I can't wait for next year!

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