It's tiring being caught in the same situation over and over again. You've finally recovered from the last one and you learned to trust again. You love again. Then out of nowhere, they end up disappointing you just like all the others. Once again, you are taken by surprise and you are heartbroken.
But you're strong. You pick yourself up, put the pieces back together, and you try again. And the cycle continues.
Each and every time turns out worse than the last; you wear down a little more and your heart is just a bit harder to put back together. You lose your strength, your will, and maybe a little bit of your self worth too. You are worn out and fed up.
And you blame yourself. You can't figure out what's wrong with you.
I'm here to let you know that there is nothing wrong with you. You are a stubborn one so you probably won't believe that, but it's true. I also want to let you know the secret to avoid being heartbroken again. Yes, it is possible. There are just a few things you need to know and then you're golden.
Stop giving up your heart so easily.
It shouldn't take you getting your heart broken multiple times to know this, but sometimes it does and that's okay. Your heart shouldn't be an open door for anyone to just stroll in. You don't need to let everyone in and you don't owe anyone any part of it. Keep it protected. It's an important to who you are. It's how you feel and how you love. It's all your passions in one place. Just because you hand your love and trust over to someone doesn't mean they have any obligation to take care of it. So don't give it up to just any person and take precautions to protect it. Let them work for your heart and truly earn it.
Sometimes they just won't want you and that's okay.
This one sucks to hear. Why would anyone not want you? Your friends and family tell you that you're wonderful and amazing and everything anyone would ever want ... so why did he not think so?
Here's the truth. No matter how wonderful, amazing, or perfect you are (and yes, you are), sometimes they still won't be sold.
Even if you are exactly what they describe when they are talking about their "perfect girl," you fit the criteria, and you check all the boxes, they still may not see themselves with you.
It's awful to know that someone may just not want you for absolutely no rhyme or reason, but it happens, it's okay, and you can't blame them. They shouldn't have to settle when there's someone better out there for them and neither should you.
Don't let fear allow you to settle.
Everyone is just slightly afraid of being alone. They all worry that they might just be unlovable. You are not, okay? So don't let your fear of being alone let you settle for the guy who doesn't treat you right or the guy who can't give you what you deserve.
You deserve to be a little selfish and you can allow yourself to be picky.
Please find the man who will love you like you will love him. For everyone, he will come in all different shapes and sizes with all sorts of different interests and quirks, but one thing about him should be universal. He should reaffirm your love for yourself and reflect the way you wish to love others.
Love yourself first and find your worth.
Before you can actually love someone truly and wholly, you must first love yourself. You need to know that you are worth more than just being so and so's girlfriend. You are everything and anything you see yourself as.
Wake up every morning knowing you are not a force to be reckoned with. You will not let yourself be dragged down or confined to what a guy thinks of you (or anyone for that matter).
Be the kindest person you can be. Reflect what you want you him to be like. Have a mind of your own. Show others the grace and intelligence you possess. Find what you're passionate about and give your all for it. Put your whole heart into being a better you; to thrive physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.
Fall in love with yourself and know that you are worth more than what someone else sees you as.
Happiness is all around you so stop searching for it through a guy.
Your life is about more than finding "true love" or your "soulmate". Your happiness is not and should not solely be invested in falling in love. There are way more important things.
You have friends and family who love you and think that you are the next best thing since sliced bread. Cherish that and cherish them. Don't neglect them in your search for love because they are right there and always will be there to love and support you. They deserve the same.
Focus on your future too. What do you want to do and who do you want to be? Think about what you can do to get there. Hint: your education is very important.
Be fulfilled through God.
You were fearfully and wonderfully made by the one who created all good. He is the only one you need to fulfill you. He is your one true soulmate, and the cool thing? His love for you is eternal, everlasting, and unconditional. He loves you for who you are and for all your flaws. And even though you will never be able to love Him as much as He loves you, that still doesn't deter Him.
Because like Romans 8:37 says, "Neither death or life, things present or things to come ... height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God."
What guy can love you like that?