It's okay not to have clue what you want in life. In fact, I would be extremely suspicious of someone who claims to have it all figured out. Life throws crazy curve balls and it's more than likely you will be caught by surprise. Some of these surprises could become blessings or lessons, but neither of these things are bad.
Life is unpredictable, and that's okay. It's the unpredictability that makes it interesting. Don't ever allow anyone to discourage you because of your inability to decide what it is that you want out of life. There will be days where your thoughts will be rambling through your mind and you will decide you want to do a million things, and there will be days where your mind will draw a complete blank, and none of those things you previously wanted will seem to be of any importance anymore. That's okay. The day will come when your passion in life will be brought to your attention when you least expect it. Just like anything in life, it's important to be patient.
It's understandable that this issue we face as young women who are expected to achieve greatness at whatever cost will stress you out. However, just remember that your propose in life is on its way to you. There will be a day where you will be able to look back on this time and wish you could have known what was ahead of the road. Where you will laugh at your sleepless nights and naive thoughts.
Because we are women, we are expected to know everything, have a plan for it, and be organized. This expectation is unfair and it's a lot to live up to. Just remember to stay focused and stay positive. Prove to yourself that you can achieve greatness and forget about what others expect and what they think. You will be truly successful once you are happy with yourself and your accomplishments. Do not doubt yourself!