To the old black woman at the polls who voted for Hillary but had to get my mom's help because she couldn't see the ballot, I'm sorry. To one of my childhood best friends, whose family didn't even speak English, I'm sorry. To the kids at school who are trying their absolute hardest, but are only getting by because of the welfare their parents are given, who probably won't succeed in life now, I'm sorry. To everyone who has ever been treated unfairly or unjustly, for no reason and no one helped, I'm sorry. This election was about more than policies or political views; this election was about humanity. It was about our basic right to live. I seriously feel like someone close to me died, and the more I think about all of the people who are going to get hurt because of this, the bigger the pit in my stomach gets. We just gave a man who supports racism, sexism, homophobia, and inequality the most influential position in America. So before you tell me that you don't believe in that stuff but you voted for Trump, go say it to that little boy who is about to lose her family, or that girl who could have been something great, but has been assaulted, and nobody is going to do a thing about it. Now, every time someone verbally assaults a woman, no one can say that's wrong. Why? Because even our president does it. It just blows my mind that we just jumped back 60 years, and that we just undid every advance we have made so far in equality and civil rights. But it's not over yet. We've done it before, we can do it again. We may be fighting nonstop for the next 4 years, but at least we will be fighting. Let's stand up for the people who need a hero, and let's help the people who need help. No one can take away your right to do good and love others. Yes, I'm still completely distraught, but I do believe in hope, and the future. And we can overcome this. Be sad, but don't give up. Ever. I love you guys. Stay safe.
PoliticsNov 15, 2016
For the Democrats in a Conservative Country: An Article of Inspiration
An Article of Inspiration