My heart’s cry is to pursue justice for those who can’t pursue it for themselves. I have a desire deep down in my heart and soul, and it is begging me to help those who have found themselves stuck in a place in which they can’t help themselves. This is the call that the Lord has put on my life. What does this look like? Who can I help? I am a (broke) college student who feels like her voice in this society is too often unheard. I want to live into this call on my life, but at this point, I sometimes feel too powerless to make that a reality.
In the church, I have grown up hearing that I am never too young to speak from my heart. I am never too young to follow God’s will. I am never too young to have a voice. I know in my heart that these things are true, and that gives me tremendous hope. Then, when I am about to speak my piece, I hear a voice telling me that I am too young, too broke and too inexperienced to have an opinion. Like always, if you are in my shoes and you don’t feel this way sometimes, what is your secret? Seriously, we all want to know.
These things that I hear that make me feel inadequate are most certainly lies. I know that they are untruthful and not from the one who has called me. To those of you reading this who are a part of my generation, I don’t think that these lies stop. I think that as we get older, wiser and (hopefully) more financially stable the lies just sound a little different.
What is my point here? Let's stop letting the enemy speak into God’s will for our lives. God is the ultimate creator of the universe, and He created me for a purpose. I choose to believe that God has instilled this longing to be an advocate for other’s in me for a purpose and for such a time as this. In case you missed that, I said for such a time as this. Now, not tomorrow, not next year or even five years from now, but right this second. If we are not living in such a way that honors God’s will for us every single day, I am scared to say that we are living purposeless lives.
I definitely don’t have all of this figured out. My words sound like a call to those who are living their life without fulfilling their purpose, but I am really just speaking to myself. I want to live my life unapologetically for the one who gave me such a purpose and I want to do it now. Not when I feel like I’ve earned my voice. God has given each of us a reason to be where we are, let's not waste it. Let's start living like we were meant for such a time as this.