First off, I just want to say thank you.
Thank you for always supporting me in what I want to do and what I want to accomplish. You helped me with my college application, because I only applied to one place, and as frustrating as it was, you had to help me with FAFSA. Which, by the way, you’ll have to help me with next year because I still don’t know how to do that.
Growing up, I was always following you around, which probably got on your nerves, and I always wanted to help you in the kitchen. Not only did that give me skills that I would later need in life, I grew up wanting to be just like you. Although I’m very far from becoming the woman that you are, I try every day to be like you. And any of my friends who have been around enough, already say that I act like you, and have your attitude (which is very true).
I can remember all of the times I would get mad at you because you didn’t let me go out with my friends, or you wouldn’t let me do certain things. Now that I’m older, I know you only did that from becoming like other young women my age. Because of you, I have my head on straight, for the most part anyways, and I have a very strong set of morals.
Now that I’ve grown up and I’m in college, I look back at everything we did together.
Which in the past few years was a lot since I was home-schooled. You made me go to the women’s meetings with you, the different church revivals here and there, and sometimes I had to miss out on doing things with my friends, but it was worth it.
I am exactly 103 miles away from you, which doesn’t really matter as much as I’m home on the weekends.
But the distance doesn’t matter because I can feel you with me every day, and as annoying as it is sometimes, I can hear you in my head. That tiny voice in my head most of the time sounds like you, and is normally there to keep me out of trouble. So, I wrote this to say everything I never said to you before. And please don’t call me crying after you read this, because I know how emotional you get. But I love you, and thank you for everything you have done for me this far, and what you will do later on.