Dear Hubby,
If you're reading this, I'm so sorry, but I'm also honestly really not. I mean you're great and all, and I'm sure I love you bunches, but in reality, you'll never truly compare to my one true love: me.
After years of being told that I need to stop being single, and that one day, 'the one' will walk into my life and I'll be swept away forever, I realized that I just really don't think our love will ever amount to anything as strong and as powerful as the love I have for the person I have become.
I know you probably think I'm absolutely insane, but in all seriousness, isn't that all that most of us ever really want in life? Someone that devotedly loves us? I've grown exponentially happier knowing that I'm the greatest good I'm ever going to need, and my love for myself courses through my body with a ceaseless flow of affection for myself. No one will ever being able to compare. I mean seriously, how many people do you know that can say, "I'm am so awesome I love myself." to themselves on a regular basis?
While others may see my relationship with myself as futile or superficial, I think it's something that we all deeply desire, and only some of us can truly attain. Now darling I don't want you to think I'm this egotistical self-centered psychopath, but I think it's important for you to know that I have found an eternal fountain of love showering me with encouragement and praise as I add to my journey, and I never plan on letting that go.
I've fallen in love with someone I'm comfortable spending silence with. Someone that makes me laugh until my stomach hurts. Someone that pushes me to be the best version of myself that I can possibly become. The one person that will ever truly know the naked truth about my internal being. Someone that loves me despite what I look like. Someone that will be by my side until my last breath flows through my withered lungs. I love myself, I mean you're awesome, but I'm epicly better - sorry babe.
If we can't love ourselves, we unknowingly project this upon all those we encounter. As long as we feel as though we are never enough, we never will be enough. I truly believe that one of the most beautiful realizations I have ever had was that I am beyond head over heels in love with myself. How magical is it to know that my entirety, with all of my fears, doubts, and failures will always be loved, regardless of external forces.
So my love, maybe this is why I'm always so happy regardless of circumstance. Perhaps this is something that more people should strive to achieve in their lives. I hope that I always have the ability to wake up in a world where I celebrate being alive. I wish that I could give others the experience of being loved - not by others, but by their own being. Loving themselves for just being wholeheartedly themselves. May you one day find the love that I was able to uncover, and live a monumentally happier life with all that you are, and all that you will become.