One day you will grow up and be aware of the world around you. One day something bad will happen to you, bad things will keep happening to you- but so will good ones. I wish I could protect you from everything and your life be sunshine and sunflowers but I cannot. All I can do is tell you of things ahead of time in hopes that you will learn from me.
Middle school sucks, high school is better but still kind of sucks. In middle school you're going to be called awful names and told you don't dress right. You'll get whispered about and kicked out of your friend group only to be welcomed back a few days later. You'll get your period and I wish I could tell you that that gets better but it doesn't, girl. High school is the same except you will feel more alone than ever. High school ends and the people you thought were your friends probably aren't. It's okay.
Apply and go to college. You really can be whatever you want to be. College is fun and sad and lonely and exciting- all in the best ways. You will struggle to make friends but once you do they will be with you forever. It's okay to change your major five times because you're there to find what you love. Try hard always but it's okay if you fail a test.
Travel any chance that you get even if it leaves you poor. Go on a road trip with your friends and spend all your money on food you've never tried and t-shirts that hold memories inside their stitching. Take pictures and print them out and decorate your room with them to remind yourself that there is a world outside of your bubble.
I'm right, always. Even when you think I'm wrong I know everything. I know when that friend is going to betray you and I know when that boy is no good for you. I will warn you and you won't listen and you will cry when it happens. But I am here, and I won't rub it in your face (maybe once).
He will tell you he loves you and he will leave you. He will tell you he loves you over and over and one day he will leave. Eat all the ice cream you want and cry for as many days as you need. Boys are not, and never will be, the center of your being. It turns out they kind of continue to suck for a while after that too, so just get used to it. You will learn eventually.
Be kind. Be genuine. Be understanding. Be optimistic. Don't be afraid to take a chance. Say yes to more things. Say no to more things. Stand up for yourself. Read more books. Laugh more. Cry more.
Everything is going to be okay.