As I sit here avoiding real responsibilities like studying for finals and packing up my dorm room I can't help but reflect on my freshman year here at Oklahoma State University. With the help of some fellow freshies, I have compiled a list of some of the most important things I learned in my first year as a Cowboy.
My hope is that as you're exiting your senior year and looking forward to your last free summer you gain a little bit of Stillwater wisdom from these nuggets of my year-one adventures. In no particular order, here are things to think about for your freshman year at OSU.
1. Call your mom.
2. Then call your dad, he loves you too (and he's a little jealous).
3. Live in a traditional dorm, you wont regret it.
4. It is never a bad time for coffee.
8 a.m.? Coffee. Noon? Coffee. 11 p.m.? Coffee.
5. Use your meal plan.
6. Seriously. Use your meal plan.
7. Learn what study technique works for you and stick to it!
8. Learn how to properly shake someone's hand.
Please no dead fishes.
9. Don't be afraid to ask someone's name again.
You will meet a ton of people freshman year, it's OK not to remember everyones name.
10. But, if you remember it, say it.
It means so much more if you say "Hi, [insert name]" instead of just "Hi" in passing and you might even make their day. Yay for intentionality!
11. If you're saying, "Go Pokes!" you're never wrong.
It is perfectly acceptable to end a presentation with a hearty "Go Pokes!" and your pistols in the air.
12. Bring at least one basketball jersey.
Just trust me.
13. Learn how to dress like an adult.
Figure out the difference in "business casual" and "business professional."
14. Rancher's lunch is just as expensive as Johnny Rockets and 100 times better.
15. Don't worry if you don't know how to two-step. You'll learn.
16. Take a road trip every now and then.
To the city, Tulsa, or even Pops in Arcadia, getting out of Stillwater with your friends is a great way to have some fun.
17. You can't do everything, and that's OK.
Pick a few and be passionate about them!
18. Do your pomping hours.
19. Or, try out for Freshman Follies and you won't have to!
20. Use the campus resources.
21. Never pass up the opportunity for free food.
22. Go home some times but not all the time.
23. Frat laps are a great way to take a study break.
24. Netflix is a reward, not a crutch.
Seriously, refrain.
25. You will pull one or two (or five) all-nighters.
26. If you feel stupid in a class don't worry, you're not the only one.
27. You'll be added to about 50 GroupMes and that's OK.
Just make sure to turn the notifications off if you want your phone battery to have a chance in this world.
28. Coke dates are awkward. Embrace it.
29. Dance parties can and should happen anytime and anywhere.
30. Physical geography is actually hard. Take it seriously.
31. If there is a theme, go all out.
Christmas? Jersey? American? Now is the time to break them out!
33. On that, you will most likely not need the physical copy. Online versions are a Godsend.
34. Stock up on orange everything.
35. Go hammocking at Theta Pond. Nothing will happen, probably.
36. Take pictures of everything.
37. If you don't like it, ask to retake it.
38. It's OK not to shower every day. You're not the only one.
39. Check your email all the time.
Don't miss a "class is canceled" email for your 9:00 a.m.
40. Get a planner.
41. Be nice to the Orange Baggers.
You were one of them at one point.
42. College is the only time you don't want to be on break.
Christmas break is agonizing.
43. Get a backpack with two water bottle pockets.
44. Actually study.
This one sounds obvious, but you can't wing things like you did in high school.
45. Don't say you're busy. It isn't cool anymore.
Everyone is "busy."
46. You will call your dad with stupid questions.
Just a warning.
47. Learn how to manage your bank account.
48. Cry sometimes.
It helps.
49. Hugs. Hugs are great.
50. Edmond Low is cool.
51. Did I mention use your meal plan?
52. Quality over quantity.
In pretty much everything.
53. Handwritten thank you notes make a difference.
54. Sit in the front.
55. BuzzFeed quizzes are great for study breaks.
56. Journaling is worth it.
57. Read your Bible.
58. Listen to your mom.
She knows everything.
59. Make friends with the seniors.
60. Try something new.
Like, every day.
61. It's OK to ask for help.
62. Find your people. Love your people.
63. Freshman orientation is a lot of work for the one credit, but you have to take it, so sorry. We all did.
64. Sleep. Sleep is good.
65. Entomology 2003 is actually worthwhile.
66. The advisors are cool and they know what they're doing.
67. Homecoming is actually America's Greatest.
68. Make your caption game strong.
69. Red Bull is an ally, not a staple.
70. It's OK not to drink.
Seriously, no one will judge you. Peer pressure isn't a thing.
71. Norman is gross. We don't speak of it.
72. Be honest with your friends.
Don't let bad feelings fester.
73. Sing.
74. Shows are cool.
75. Intramurals are also cool.
76. Scheduling group studies with your friends knowing nothing will get done is OK.
77. TAPINGO. Tapingo is your best friend.
78. Don't take yourself too seriously.
79. IHOP is a prime study place.
80. Set aside a T-Shirt fund.
Trust me. You will need it.
81. Dry shampoo is the best.
82. The latest of nights make for the greatest of memories.
83. Take your cool pants off.
84. Pray every day.
You only get to do freshman year once. So don't waste your time worrying about what other people think of you. The cool thing about college is there are so many people you won't have to worry about there being people like you because they'll be there. Cherish it because freshman year goes by so quickly.
This sad sophomore.