Anyone who has ever lived in a sorority house can agree on one thing: it’s never boring. Seemingly normal activities like eating dinner or studying for a test are drastically different if you do them in a house with 40 other girls. Here are 32 truths you simply can’t deny if you live in the house.
1. You always have 40 other closets to borrow from.
2. You will never appreciate a moment of silence quite like you do when you find it in a sorority house.
3. The best conversations happen after 1 a.m. in the kitchen.
4. Getting ready all together in the bathroom really is as fun as it looks in the movies.
5. You can tell who's home by what music is playing.
6. You learn to hide your candle collection really well.
7. When 20 girls try to blow dry their hair at the same, there will definitely be a power outage.
8. Your house mom is the sweetest and scariest woman you've ever met (and you love her to death).
9. And she will catch you if you try to bring a dog upstairs.
10. Your mood for the week is determined by the menu.
11. Getting to know the house boys might lead to some awesome friendships.
12. The printer will always have ink, but you will never have paper.
13. No moment of privacy lasts more than 5 minutes.
14. You get annoyed when someone takes your unofficial parking spot.
15. Going on a date always starts with a send-off from all your sisters.
16. Your class schedule is determined by when meals are served.
17. You know who's coming up the stairs before you even hear their voice.
18. The day the study snacks are restocked is the best day of the week.
19. Tears are shed when the Keurig breaks.
20. There is always glitter. Always. Everywhere.
21. And hair. Every. Where.
22. Naps are taken very seriously.
23. "Can someone let me in."
24. You will always have people to carpool with.
25. Mattress surfing is as fun as it sounds.
26. There is one room that everyone always seems to congregate in.
27. You know all of your roommate's habits like the back of your hand.
28. Sleeping in a twin sized bed isn't as bad as you thought it would be.
29. You still get winded every time you have to walk up your huge staircase.
30. Tanning on the front lawn is the best place to do it.
31. You never have to drive anywhere for chapter meetings.
32. You wouldn't trade the year in the house for the world.