I’ve always been pretty outgoing and love being around people, but college has shown me that you have to get used to being alone. Most of my friends are introverts and enjoy taking time out of their days to just be by themselves.
I, an extrovert, would rather spend time with people as much as possible, and being alone with no one to talk to makes me uncomfortable after a while. Even if it’s just a phone call or sitting on FaceTime, I like the feeling of someone’s presence.
College has taught me that you have to get accustomed to eating alone, walking to class with just some music, and studying by yourself.
It’s hard for me to sit in silence or be alone because I would prefer to be busy interacting with other people. I like to know people and be able to address them by name in public. I like to have conversations with any and everyone, so being in solitude can actually become stressful for me.
These last seven months of my freshman year have shown me that there are things I enjoy that I never would have tried before. I like working out alone and going on walks and drives by myself. At first it genuinely scared me to be truly by myself, but I’ve become more comfortable in my own company.
We become so busy in college and are constantly around people that we start to lose track of who we are.
We begin to listen to the same music as our friends or eat the same foods and even pick up some of their habits. In fact, we may even quit doing some of the things we love because no one wants to do them with us.
Well, it’s okay to take a walk on campus with your favorite songs playing in your ears. No one will judge you for sitting on a bench on a beautiful day as you read your favorite book. Don’t be afraid to enjoy a meal by yourself. Sit in the library with a cup of coffee and study or even watch your favorite show or movie on Netflix.
I have struggled with alone time because I love people, and it’s okay to want to spend time with friends, but I always catch myself forgetting that it’s healthy to be alone. I like to be out and about while talking to people whether I know them or just want to see how their days are going.
I love to see happy people, and if there is sadness on their face, I want to fix it. I love that about myself, but I forget to take care of me first. I put others before myself because it’s what I’m good at, but I have gotten used to “me time”. I like to put on a movie, get in comfy pj’s, and eat dinner by myself in my room. If I have learned one thing from college, it’s that being alone doesn’t mean you’re lonely.