I am a Chicago Bears fan to the heart. I do not care what people say about the bears, I will remain loyal to them until death do us part. Other than that, I am very excited for football season. I get to watch people chase after a ball while trying to break each other.
1. Last minute field goals
Nothing makes my heart race more when it comes down to the last play of the game, and a field goal will determine if you will will or lose the game.
2. Beautiful could-have-beens
It is fun to watch the other opponents struggle against your team's defense. It is a hit or miss with me because I am a Chicago Bears fan. *Still patiently waiting for us to glow up*
3. Seeing those dirty sacks
No Quarterback wants to get sacked. When a quarterback gets sacked, your offensive line basically said,
"It is all up to you now, goodluck"
By the way, sorry to expose you, Tom Brady!
4. Ref let them play!
I think it is so funny when the players get heated or begin to fight. The reason it is hilarious to me is because you see the tiny referees trying to hold these big football players back from fighting.
5. Hail Marys
That moment when your team is going for the Hail Mary! It is crazy to watch when the ball is actually caught though...
6. Touchdown celebrations
Sometimes these celebrations are very creative, but other are really ridiculous.
7. Incomplete passes
I am pretty sure he totally meant to do that. Future reference, you should probably throw in front of your wide receiver.
9. The drunkies
Most of the time when people are drunk, they are annoying. Other times, you may encounter some people that just make a fool of themselves; and it is funny when they do.
10. Parents playing catch with their kid that cannot even catch
You know who I am exactly talking about, those parents that think that their toddler is going to the NFL.
It would be nice to see the bears go to the bowl, but you know how that works out. I have been saying that every year, but our time will come when it is time. When the time does come, we will make sure not to burn down our city like Philidelphia did. For those who did not get the joke, Philidelphia Eagles won the 2018 NFL Super Bowl. Philidelphia's fans rioted in the streets and did other illegal things that caused the city so much damage.