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Health and Wellness

19 Foods/Drinks You Need To Give Up For 2019

Make a New Year's Resolution that is good for your health.


Everybody wants to make personal improvements for the New Year. Why not start by cutting out these foods and drinks from your normal diet?

BBQ Sauce

This popular condiment contains high fructose corn syrup which can lead to weight gaining.

Bottled Water

These convenient drinks contain BPA, a hormone-mimicking chemical.

Boxed Cake Mix

These delicious mixes contain hidden trans fats.


A favorite for cheat days, but candy contains artificial coloring, added sugar, and saturated fats.

Canned Soup

Often thought of as a healthy, quick, affordable meal is actually high in sodium.

Chinese Food

This tasty food tends to be high in sodium.

Deli Meats

These thin slices of meat contain excess sodium.

Diet Sodas

These drinks contain aspartame an artificial sweetener that raises glucose levels.

Fast Food

Fast food contains phthalates which are used in plastic food and packaging.

 Frozen Entrees

These convenient meals are high in sodium and trans fat.

Fruit Juices

As tasty as they might be, they are usually not made from real fruit and they contain a lot of sugar.

Fruit Yogurt

These usually do not even contain real fruit but they also contain carrageenan which causes gastrointestinal inflammation.

Granola Bars

They are not as healthy as you think because they contain sugar, corn syrup, and sorbitol.

Low-fat and Fat-free Foods

These foods are loaded with sugar to compensate for the taste that fatty foods have.

Nilla Wafers

These small wafers contain inflammatory soybean oil and high fructose corn syrup.


This easy breakfast is fattening because it contains sugar, high fructose corn syrup, and soybean oil.

 Sports Drinks

These drinks contain extra salts and sugar that most people do not need even when working out.

Slim Jim's

To make this meat stick more enjoyable it contains high amounts of high fructose corn syrup.


These little blasts of color are like eating tiny candles because they contain carnauba wax.

These are just a few easy things you can do to eat and drink healthier this new year. If I can do it, so can you!

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