Before college, you most likely had a kitchen at home and could make whatever your heart desired. Now in college, especially in a dorm, you don't have the same access so you have to make do. Here are 10 things you are going to need on your grocery list in college.
Pop-Tarts a great for when you really don't want to wake up in the morning. They're the perfect breakfast for those who wake up five minutes before they have to leave. Just grab them and go.
Protein BarsÂ
When you leave your dorm or apartment you're typically not sure when you will be back so you might need a snack while you are out. Just throw a couple of protein bars in your bag and you're set.
You never know what night is going to turn into movie night but be sure to put popcorn on your grocery list just in case. Plus, popcorn is a great late night snack for staying up late to do homework.
Are you really a college student if you don't eat ramen? I'm just kidding but really it scary how easy it is to make. All you have to do is add water and put in the microwave for three minutes and then you have a delicious bowl of soup!
Cereal is a great breakfast, it's both healthy and easy. Plus it's pretty easy on the bank account. Also if you don't have time to sit down and eat you can just throw some cereal in a baggie and be on your way.
Easy Mac
Similar to ramen, Easy Mac is a perfect meal when you just want something easy. Hence the "Easy" Mac.
Instant Rice
Instant Rice is a great alternative for those who don't like ramen or Easy Mac. It's very easy to make and comes in a few different flavors. It's pretty healthy for you but you might need to add something else to it to make it a full meal.
Pretzels are great because they are a healthy snack that keeps you full. Another thing is that they are perfect for on-the-go. Most professors won't mind if you snack on a few pretzels in class when you are hungry.
Chips are a little tricky because they get stale pretty quick. So when you buy chips, make sure it's a flavor you like. But you should keep some in your room because they are perfect when you a kinda hungry but don't want to get a full meal.
Pizza RollsÂ
Pizza rolls are amazing for college because for one they taste amazing and are great for sharing. Just make a bag of pizza rolls and have a movie night and you are set.