Think about how much joy dogs bring into the world. With their sloppy kisses and their wagging tails, happiness just trails in their wake. Though they are usually jovial, there are times when they whine and cry, breaking the hearts of everyone around. When my dog, Quinn, goes through these times, I find myself trying to find and fix any problem he may have. But when snuggling and petting him doesn't stop his whining, I realize what he wants: food. More specifically, food from my plate.
Though usually his whines weaken my resolve and I find myself giving him bites of my food, as of recent, I have aimed to be more careful on which foods I give him. There are some foods that have been shown to be very dangerous for dogs to consume even when they are perfectly safe for people. The following list provides insight on which foods to withhold from your canine companions, no matter how much they whine.
1. Grapes
There is a substance in grapes and raisins that leads to kidney failure in dogs. Sadly, scientists aren't sure what it is yet, but they know it is prevalent in grapes.
2. Foods containing xylitol
Xylitol is a sugar substitute that is used in a lot of different foods. Be sure to read the ingredients to certain snacks to ensure that it doesn't contain it, as it triggers a dangerous release of insulin in the pancreas in animals. Some foods, including peanut butter, have switched to using xylitol, so be on the lookout.
3. Onions and chives
Onions and chives are very harmful to dogs. They can cause anemia and damage to a dog's red blood cells.
4. Avocado
Though delicious and deemed healthy, avocado contains persin which causes allergic reactions in some breeds.
5. Nuts
Nuts don't agree well with the pancreas of dogs and can lead to a disease called pancreatitis. Pancreatitis is when the pancreas malfunctions.
6. Dairy
While some dogs digest dairy just fine, others cannot process dairy, causing digestive issues.
7. Salty Foods
Having an excess of salt can lead to a dog developing a multitude of different diseases and possibly even causing the pup to go to doggy heaven.
8. Bacon
Surprisingly, bacon is very unhealthy for dogs and is a threat to their health. As it is very fatty, it can lead to pancreatitis, just like nuts.
These foods have been found to be detrimental to the health of dogs, so be sure to be careful when it comes to feeding your dog food off your plate!