I'm sure it's easy to say that most of us enjoy eating food. We are all "foodies" in some way. So, with that being said, I'm sure that most of you know what "food porn" is. It's basically just insanely crazy good-looking food that doesn't look like the average pizza slice, burger, ice-cream sundae, etc. I know some of you may be asking me "Why would you be talking about this right before the summer?" Well to be quite honest, I've personally been stressed out from school, essays, and finals, and that usually results in me snacking constantly in my kitchen or looking at food images on twitter. We can get away with eating this kind of stuff since we are only in college, we still have years and years before we have to worry about "staying in shape." So we might as well enjoy it while we can, am I right?
Honestly, you really want a summer body? Really? Are you sure? This post might change your mind then. Who wants a summer body when you know food like this even exists? I mean, don't get me wrong, anyone would be happy consuming any of these. Well, unless you're vegan or vegetarian... but that's besides the point!
But really though, not hating on anyone who's fit, and active, and diets a ton. But... it's nice to have those cheat days, and these pictures might give you some inspiration (and some serious cravings).
We all LOVE food, there's no denying that. So here are some "food porn" images I found that definitely made my mouth drool a little bit.
This Philly cheese steak is oozing with love.
Calamari is the best appetizer hands down.
Everyone loves a good rack of ribs.
Sushi is a must-have.
Who doesn't love pizza?
Spaghetti and meatballs, what a classic.
Macaroni and cheese is love, macaroni and cheese is life.
You can never go wrong with tacos.
Classic steak... never disappoints.
Pho... just...wow.
And how could I forget about desserts?!
Currently drooling at this cheesecake.
Baklawa! Yes… backlawa… not "baklava" Get it right, people, you've been saying it wrong this entire time.
Craving breakfast like no other when I saw this.
Ice cream tacos?! Who even knew this was a thing?
The ULTIMATE cupcake…
Even more breakfast cravings.
Molten chocolate cake... how is this even real?
Way too pretty to eat... but I'd still eat them anyways.
Cinnamon rolls... so beautiful.
See? Doesn't that feel better? Actually you're probably super anxious at seeing all of these foods and not having them at your fingertips. I feel the same exact way, don't worry. But hey, maybe these images will make you feel a little bit better if you're in the dumps about school, and upcoming finals.