10 South-Side Foods I Miss The Most While At College
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10 South-Side Foods I Miss The Most While At College

Janson's and Pappys and Pop's, oh my!

10 South-Side Foods I Miss The Most While At College

One of the hardest parts about being away from the South-side of Chicago during the school year is surviving without delicious restaurants and fast food joints conveniently placed on every corner. You’re supposed to gain the “freshman 15” and “sophomore 50” while away at school, but I know I eat more during every break spent at home than at school. From pizza to a classic scoop of ice-cream, the South-side of Chicago has it all, and definitely doesn't disappoint.

1. Bourbon Street Bruschetta

Have you ever tried it? I think it crosses my mind at least 30 times when I’m hungover and laying in bed on a Sunday morning avoiding all of my responsibilities. Delicious bread with a cream cheese spread they give you and fresh tomatoes to top it? I’m drooling just thinking about it.

2. Mr. Sub Mac and Cheese Bites

Okay maybe you can buy these frozen in almost any grocery store, but it’s not the same, trust me. Mr. Sub’s bites are cooked to perfection and are never a let down; a 5 piece with a regular sub is the perfect amount to fill you up and keeps you coming back for more. Nothing compares to going out on Western and ending your night with Mr. Sub, that’s why I wish I could bring it with me to college to be the perfect end for every night out.

3. Pop’s Beef Sandwich

Extra green peppers please! A break from school isn't the same if an italian beef sandwich with extra peppers and au jus on the side isn't included in the week away from college.

4. Pizza (from basically anywhere)

Anything on the South-side is a million times better than the cardboard you get while you're away at school, we have multiple places to get a slice (or a whole pizza, no judgements). My personal favorite is Palermo’s but there are so many other choices like Rosangela’s, Barraco’s, Beggar’s, Milano’s, Nonna’s, Ta-Ta’s, Fox’s; all are unique and delicious in their own way.

5. Ice-cream (from basically anywhere)

We have plenty of places to choose from for delicious ice cream whether it be a shake from Wojo’s or Rosie’s which are both the perfect consistency and soooo good. Or a cone over summer break from Rainbow Cone or Plush Horse. I even crave a concrete from Andy’s or a malt from Cupid Candies every once in a while. One things for sure, there’s no shortage of yummy ice-cream when it comes to the South-side.

6. Chicken Sandwich From Janson’s

Good food definitely doesn't end with chicken at Janson’s but it’s for sure my favorite. I never knew what I was missing until it re-opened in 2014 and I’ve been hooked ever since. Their shakes don't disappoint and their cheese fries are the best. Your food is made to order and fresh every time, I always leave Janson’s stuffed.

7. Portillos Cheeseburger and Cheese Fries

Okay maybe you can get this from places other than the South-side but it’s definitely something I miss about home. I think plenty of people would agree that no cheese fries compare to theirs’, I have no idea what kind of cheese they're using but man, are they doing it right.

8. Potbelly’s Sugar Cookies

Maybe the cookies aren't exactly what Potbelly’s is known for but I can’t help but crave them when I’m gone, they are always so soft and fresh, but you definitely don't have to twist my arm to order a pizza sandwich.

9. Top Notch Oreo Shake

Top Notch doesn't deserve to be classified with every other ice-cream that I love from the South-side, they need their own portion of this list. Coming home and meeting with a friend for a burger and shake in the home-y restaurant squeezed in on 95th street just past Western brings me back to high school when we’d take a break for dinner in between projects and homework. I’m not sure if I crave the food or nostalgia more, but whatever it is keeps me coming back.

10. Pappys Chicken Tenders with French Fries

I’ve gotta show EP some love. Though I haven't been to Pappy’s in forever, and couldn't find a picture of their tenders, it always comes in clutch when my friends and I can’t all agree on one place to grab a quick lunch, so take my word for it. They’ve got all of the basics from hotdogs to grilled cheese, and tons of side orders and even ice-cream to choose from, but I’ve always gotta go with the classic chicken tender meal.

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