Who needs a boy or a social life when you have a few friends, a TV, and food? Well that is basically the life lesson I learned this weekend. I know that somewhere some variation of this is written down as an old Chinese proverb or scribbled on an ancient manifesto, but in an attempt to educate the public to my greater understanding of how the weekend should be spent doing, I will share the intimate details of my weekend, so that you make take note and learn from my wisdom.
1. Stuff 15 potato skins in your mouth.
Because someone, I won't say who (Callie), decides she needed to get two orders of potato skins because she doesn't want to have to share them with me. Then decides she's not hungry anymore so you are then FORCED to eat two orders of potato skins.
2. Decide to watch "Criminal Minds" for two days straight.
Because Mathew Gray Gubler is HAWT, and it's important to know how to avoid serial killers -- OBVIOUSLY!
3. Attempt to make pancakes and fail.
And in the process burn yourself so that your friends make fun of you as you eat your burned pancakes.
4. Force a friend into a "Twilight" marathon.
11. Make your friend answer door for pizza because anyone could be a serial killer...because too much "Criminal Minds".
12. Pass out on the couch at like 11:30 p.m. because you are a true party animal.
14. A pledge threw up at a party so you didn't miss that much.
15. Hit up "Mickey D's" because it's the morning and you hungryyyyy again.
So basically yeah. Yet another successful weekend under your belt, and you only gained four pounds. :)