What we would do for the ambitions of the youth? To go back to a time when we were young and carefree, where our dreams couldn’t be contained and our fears were not a factor. The days where money wasn’t a factor, and failure was just another fall in the park. When happiness only concerned to our own thoughts and opinions. What we would do to be able to go back and have the ability to look at the world through the eyes of a child, where there were no obstacles too high, and success was only obtained through our own actions. You grow up; but when do you stop dreaming?
What is it that makes a kid dream beyond reason? Is it the ambition, or lack of reason? Is it the ignorance of the dream at hand, or is it because no one has ever told them that they cannot achieve? Somewhere in between these years of aging, we lost the pure meaning of what it means to dream. We make dreams that are reasonable; something that has a short-term goal that can be reached with only a moderate amount of hard work. By definition, a dream is something that is unrealistic, at the time it is nothing more than a thought, a self-deluding fantasy. Something that takes an unrealistic amount of time, energy, and effort. A dream is a cherished aspiration.
As a society, we fear failure; we have been taught that failure is a negative action, that if you fail, you cannot achieve. A ship in a harbor is safe, but that not what a ship is built for. If you have big enough dreams, then failure is inevitable. Getting knocked down leads to realization, lets you know which mistake not to make again, and all in all, can be a humbling experience. The ultimate failure is the last one, when you don’t try again. If your dreams are as big as they were when you were a kid, then hardship will come, and failure will just be another step in the process.
Think about the ones that had the dreams of their youths, and pursued them until they achieved them. Those are our astronauts, our favorite sports stars, musicians, and actors. The ones that failed, but never gave up. The ones that never stopped dreaming. Have the persistence to accomplish and a dream to accomplish, and you will succeed.
Would you trade knowledge for youth? To go back to the days where we encompassed ourselves in our dreams. Where we made ourselves exactly who we wanted to be. Without the fear of failure, and without the fear of falling short, we believed we were invisible and unstoppable. It's never too late to return to that mindset. We all grow up; but when do we stop dreaming?