If you've ever been on a road trip, you know that a superb selection of snacks is necessary for maintaining sanity. Getting hangry (the definition can be found here) is real, and there's no escaping your hangry friend when you're all trapped together in a car. Here's some snacks that are mandatory for safety during long car rides:
1. Trail Mix
Don't bother if it doesn't have m&m's.
2. Chicken in a Biskit
Road-tripping classic. Fun fact: the wild burros at Custer State Park also love them.
3. Gushers
Nothing like a little gooey goodness to keep you sane.
4. Granola Bars
5. Goldfish
6. Funyuns
7. Fruit Snacks
8. Popcorn
Popcorn is always a necessity. Fortunately, there are pre-popped varieties in existence.
9. Kazoozles
The packaging may read "Sweetart Ropes," but we all know the real name.
10. Chocolate
Alllllll the chocolate. Always.
11. Bring a dog
Not to eat, you psycho. Dogs just make everything 100 percent better, every time.