It’s time to take a reality check. You graduated. I know, it’s harsh, and you’ve been avoiding admitting it for as long as possible, but you need to hear it.
For the last four years, you spent this week gathering your textbooks, finding your way to your classes, embracing everything that is syllabus week, and getting ready for the year to come.
Except this year, you are off to work. That 9 to 5 life is something you’ve been dreading because it means no more sorority functions, late-night library hangs, or justified drunken Wednesday nights because, why not?
You’ve been avoiding social media at all costs because you know it’s filled with SYLLY posts, weekend updates, mixer pics, and reminders of all the fun you are officially too old to have.
Honestly, you even miss going to class because of all the friends you had and you low key actually loved learning.
You spend your evenings watching Netflix and decompressing from the day, missing the times when you watched your favorite show over a bottle of wine with your roommates.
You’re not a grandma yet; you still go out on the weekends, but what about your favorite weekday spot? You watch everyone get ready to go out on Thursdays and can’t help but feel a little left out. How socially unacceptable is it to go to Mad River Thursday as a post grad? Will people even notice you graduated?
You work like a crazy person, so you can no longer call one of your friends for a 3-hour lunch break or a mid-day study sesh. You avoid Snapchat during free period because you can’t bare the sight of all of the sorority table snaps.
Your sorority was your life. You attended every social function, went to every optional (and mandatory) event, never missed chapter…well almost never, and spent your life dreaming of recruitment chants that you would sing for the rest of your life. I mean, honestly, do you haveenough letter shirts? You sobbed your life away at Senior sendoff as you handed down all of your most prized possessions that served as mementos of the times that made your college career so memorable. How is it possible that new girls were recruited into your chapter this week and you may never know who they are? Your family will grow beyond your roots and you’ll be the great grand-big that will fade into the past, but proud of all your family and chapter are accomplishing.
Graduating was one of the happiest and saddest things you’ve ever done. Right now is tough, feeling as though you’re missing out on all things college. But don’t fear, young gal, we're all in the same boat. Your friends have certainly not forgotten about you. Alumni events and reunions are in the near future. Dinner dates and weekend getaways are just a phone call away.
And hey, who says Spring Break 2017 is out of the question?